
Quantum I & II [Minto Midtown]


Location: Yonge and Eglinton
Developer: Minto
Planning Docs:
Designation: Residential
Status: Underconstruction
Expected Occupancy: 2007 & 2008
Height: 387 & 525ft
Floors: 37 & 52
Website: mintomidtown.com/
Nine or ten floors now. North tower is rising above ground level so it looks like its also underway.



Nice update Ed. Too bad they didn't go with the original tower heights and designs.

Still a nice addition though.
Does anyone know whether the roof treatment on tower one will be the same as shown in the above illustration?
I pass by the buildings everyday and I am amazed at how thin the towers are going to be. This tower will is probably thinner (yet taller) than Spire and should be quite impressive when finished.
^^ AFAIK the illustration at the top of this thread was created by SOM before the project was handed off to Zeidler, who has modified the plans since. I have seen newer renderings, and the new plans certainly are not as heroic, elegant, or expensive as the SOM version.

Too bad.


FYI the rendering you posted at the top of the thread is the old 54s & 47s SOM rending. The new renderings should be available from Minto to reflect the revised design that was negotiated with council and the planning department.
I couldn't find the new renders and I not sure how to grab them from the Minto website. If someone has them please pass them on and I'll update the images.
P.S. The great thing about refusing a 54 storey building in favour of a 52 storey building... is they build a 54 storey building anyway. ;-)
^ That was acheived through reducing floor to ceiling heights - the addition of 2 extra floors did not impact the agreed upon height of the tower.
Which means that if all levels in the 52 storey version were going to be 9', now they are 8' 8".

Unless Minto plans a couple of 7 1/2 floors...

Thanks for the update. Its nice to see these beauties above ground. What is the pace of the growth? They certainly don't seem to have shot up like anything at Cityplace. In fact, the groundwork seemed to take forever.

Does anyone live in the area noting how fast its rising, now that its above ground?
I wish the original designs would be used somewhere else in the city...downtown would be nice.
I remember originally that Minto set a long time line for digging the underground parking. The buildings seem to be inline with the completion dates mentioned at the time.

Anyone have any idea how well they have sold? I have never heard any numbers at all on this project.
