For the prices they sold these things at... I'd say you've got a deal no matter what the workmanship was!
Right, still no excuse for shotty workmanship. On top of that, look at what these things are going for now. $300K for a 1 bed/den with some crappy wood veneer Home Depot floors and ceramic tiles. I still like the building though, but the interiors at The Met which was sold around the same time are much better/nicer IMO.
For the prices they sold these things at... I'd say you've got a deal no matter what the workmanship was!

You're kidding me, right ?!?!?
These places weren't and are not cheap.
RE is the largest purchase most ppl make in their entire life, and you're satisfied with shoddy workmanship b/c he got a 'deal'?
A 'deal' is relative b/c RE has appreciated since pre-construction but what would you say if it was 25% less than what was paid ?

Right, still no excuse for shotty workmanship. On top of that, look at what these things are going for now. $300K for a 1 bed/den with some crappy wood veneer Home Depot floors and ceramic tiles. I still like the building though, but the interiors at The Met which was sold around the same time are much better/nicer IMO.

I haven't seen the interiors of either building first hand, but there were some pretty nasty first hand comments from Met purchasers.
In fact, one realtor who bought there has dedicated a website to all his complaints about it. (sorry forgot the name of the guy)


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I had my PDI last week, and came out with a 40 item list that needed rework. Of the 40, I say 10 are major (missing fridge & stove, floor not level, crack on the walls of the bedroom). Looks like they did a rush job with my unit.

Crap, someone stole the fridge & oven!

LOL ... and the builder expects you to occupy the unit and pay monthly for this privilege !?!?
Scheduling a PDI when significant portions of the unit are incomplete (i.e. missing appliances) seems to be a bit bizarre - hopefully most of your PDI list is taken care of prior to the 30 day listing period.... any more photos?
Scheduling a PDI when significant portions of the unit are incomplete (i.e. missing appliances) seems to be a bit bizarre - hopefully most of your PDI list is taken care of prior to the 30 day listing period.... any more photos?

It's not unheard of for sure.
A friend of mine who bought at Windermere had to occupy his unit without a fridge, stove and showerhead. They gave him food vouchers for about a month!
It's not unheard of for sure.
A friend of mine who bought at Windermere had to occupy his unit without a fridge, stove and showerhead. They gave him food vouchers for about a month!

That developer doesn't have a particularily strong reputation - seems like a rush for occupancy (which some buyers want ASAP... while others would be more than happy to wait for their stove!)
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got more pics of the unit?

i've experienced move-ins where bathroom sink and fridge wasn't available. it took almost 2 weeks after continuous complaints until it was installed.
They actually removed the baseboards on the bottom left so that they can fit the fridge. I told them to put the baseboards back....highly doubt they will do that. I imagine that they'll just paint over it.

What's with those shadows under the baseboards where the fridge should be?
View from the balcony, & of the bathroom. Sink is there - SCORE!

got more pics of the unit?

i've experienced move-ins where bathroom sink and fridge wasn't available. it took almost 2 weeks after continuous complaints until it was installed.


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That developer doesn't have a particularily strong reputation - seems like a rush for occupancy (which some buyers want ASAP... while others would be more than happy to wait for their stove!)

Yes, we all hear about the horrid reputation of Cresford.

I can tell you that it was not my friend's choice to occupy the unit before it was completed.
That's one of the reasons why I hate the rules for occupancy.
Thanks for the pics up there. The dark cabinetry is really nice...good pick. I'm wondering if there was an option for dark hardwood...every unit I've seen has light stained floors.

cdr108 - That's pretty interesting. I've been in a good 3 units there and think the workmanship was quite good (don't really like the building entrance too much, it's really small). A couple things I like about the Met are the big kitchens/cabinetry, high baseboards, washrooms and floors. I don't doubt that there was some crappy workmanship in some units. I just didn't see it.

Murano and Met are both great buildings IMO, I just think Met has Murano beat when it comes to interior finishes...

Still looking to buy at Murano....could see myself putting in new floors though.
