I was joking obviously, though I wouldn't put it past Metrolinx to rely on the fact that the local area will be a wasteland for 10 years to reduce their assessed fair market value. But I highly doubt they offered anyone no compensation.
I was joking obviously, though I wouldn't put it past Metrolinx to rely on the fact that the local area will be a wasteland for 10 years to reduce their assessed fair market value. But I highly doubt they offered anyone no compensation.
But metrolinx has 0 say over what they think it should be, its independent market appraisers, or to take it further, You can ask metrolinx for money to do one yourself if you dont trust them.

Mx seems to have relented, and is modifying its practices in the Pape/Danforth area.

As to the City's ability to enforce on Mx....people just lack courage............Mx can't be penalized for working without a permit, but the City controls the watermains and can shut down the water supply to all Mx construction sites, it can cut off de-watering access to the sewers and it can send in Hydro to cut the power.

Those measures vary from arguably within the City''s scope of authority to questionable legality............but ya know.....a delay while Mx goes to court to get an injunction.........then the City being shocked that all the staff who could possible turn things back on are all on vacation the same week..........could happen.

Before someone says I'm being fanciful (which I am a bit)......... I love my example of the former Mayor of Chicago who closed his version of the Island Airport by having City workers tear up the runway in the middle of the night, without notifying the FAA or obtaining required Federal permissions.

He won, the airport closed.

Sometimes, a little bit of courage goes a long way.
Indeed - but it's questionable about when it's worth deploying it. I'm not sure this is such a case. Metrolinx resolved it without needing to go to such extreme measures as noted.
Indeed - but it's questionable about when it's worth deploying it. I'm not sure this is such a case. Metrolinx resolved it without needing to go to such extreme measures as noted.

In this case, it clearly wasn't needed, my point was simply that the City has a suite of tools with which it can choose to be uncooperative and give Mx one hell of a headache.

It should be said, however, that the City did threaten to pull the Road Occupancy Permit (which Mx could then ignore) But Mx chose to play ball at that point, which is to everyone's benefit.
But metrolinx has 0 say over what they think it should be, its independent market appraisers, or to take it further, You can ask metrolinx for money to do one yourself if you dont trust them.
There are property owners who run businesses on their property. Then there are owners who lease space to a business. Usually it would be the owner who rents apartments to tenants on an upper floor (second or, rarely, 2nd & 3rd).

Where the business is a lessee, I could see the logic of Metrolinx offering $0 plus some nominal relocation aid or out-of-pocket costs (receipts from Two Guys and a Truck …). The owner would then get highest and best value for the property. The expropriating agency isn't going to pay twice for the same thing.

Where the owner and business are one, they get highest & best plus whatever is reasonable and customary for relocation. Some, perhaps most, won’t relocate. They may be retirement age or older, or simply have other plans.

I guess appraising a business might be more complex than appraising a residence. Commercial zoning would permit a variety of uses, one of which would be chosen as highest & best.

I assume it’s the Eton’s now-former owner asking for mediation. They would have been landlord of the roomers on the second floor. Whether they also operated the tavern business I don’t know.
There are property owners who run businesses on their property. Then there are owners who lease space to a business. Usually it would be the owner who rents apartments to tenants on an upper floor (second or, rarely, 2nd & 3rd).

Where the business is a lessee, I could see the logic of Metrolinx offering $0 plus some nominal relocation aid or out-of-pocket costs (receipts from Two Guys and a Truck …). The owner would then get highest and best value for the property. The expropriating agency isn't going to pay twice for the same thing.

Where the owner and business are one, they get highest & best plus whatever is reasonable and customary for relocation. Some, perhaps most, won’t relocate. They may be retirement age or older, or simply have other plans.

I guess appraising a business might be more complex than appraising a residence. Commercial zoning would permit a variety of uses, one of which would be chosen as highest & best.

I assume it’s the Eton’s now-former owner asking for mediation. They would have been landlord of the roomers on the second floor. Whether they also operated the tavern business I don’t know.
TBH the only thing MX owes leasees are relocation compensation on good faith.
Its the owners who can fight for their home value + 15%
show the reciepts then lol. no shot someones getting offered $0. that makes no sense.

I think back to that article on those Leslieville homes being expropriated, they didn't bring receipts and they didnt go to the OLT,.2 things which would show youre actually serious rather than just complaining for the sake of complaining
You shouldn't have to fight Metrolinx to get a fair first offer.

I was joking obviously, though I wouldn't put it past Metrolinx to rely on the fact that the local area will be a wasteland for 10 years to reduce their assessed fair market value.
Wasteland? What are you referring too? Should be uplift right next to a subway station.
Wasteland? What are you referring too? Should be uplift right next to a subway station.

I mean during active construction. Of course it is going to be an amazing place to run a business once the construction is done and the new subway is up and running.
The implication in this is that the first offer isnt fair. Says who? Again show the reciepts.
Receipts of what? There's probably been significant change in market value since those houses were bought. Perhaps you aren't aware that house sale values are available for most properties online - well all properties if you want to pay $5 or so to the government's current vendor.

I mean during active construction. Of course it is going to be an amazing place to run a business once the construction is done and the new subway is up and running.
Ah!! I get it.

And a wasteland it appears to be. No surprise that MetroStinx doesn't admit it was their dust.

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Fletcher might be theoretically corrent that Mx doesn't require city permits to work but Mx will 100% not allow a contractor to side step a required city permit, like it realistically is just not going to happen that way so Fletcher is just sorta fear mongering here. I am not an Mx employee, but have worked on several projects and the permitting aspect is pretty thorough and required for the contractor.
Receipts of what? There's probably been significant change in market value since those houses were bought. Perhaps you aren't aware that house sale values are available for most properties online - well all properties if you want to pay $5 or so to the government's current vendor.

LOL You arent owed lost market value, thats not a thing. "it was worth 200k more 3 years ago".
Yes I know you can view current home sale prices, thats not the point,
You imply that Metrolinx always offers below market value for the house, which is a completely different thing than sale prices. Aside from anecdotes from people who go to the media for sympathy, you cant back that up.
LOL You arent owed lost market value, thats not a thing. "it was worth 200k more 3 years ago".
I have no idea what you are trying to say here.

You imply that Metrolinx always offers below market value for the house, which is a completely different thing than sale prices. Aside from anecdotes from people who go to the media for sympathy, you cant back that up.
All I asked above (I'll kindly thank you for not putting words in my mouth) is:

What are these receipts you are talking about?
I have no idea what you are trying to say here.

All I asked above (I'll kindly thank you for not putting words in my mouth) is:

What are these receipts you are talking about?
are you simply not reading my posts? Why are you confused?
If you say "metrolinx never gives fair first offers". Show the receipts.
Back up your claims, because this is what you said may i remind you.

You shouldn't have to fight Metrolinx to get a fair first offer.
There's probably been significant change in market value since those houses were bought.
If you say "metrolinx never gives fair first offers".
I have not said that. Where did I say that. I said that you shouldn't have to fight Metrolinx to get a fair first offer.

I've also said that you shouldn't have to flush a toilet 3 times to get the crap to go down the pipe. That doesn't however mean that I've personally had that problem. There are those though that claim they've had that issue - perhaps you should be asking that question.

Show the receipts.
Can you explain what this "receipt" you want someone to show you is..?

Back up your claims, because this is what you said may i remind you.
Can you point to what there you just quoted is a claim.

Can I link you to a good dictionary? Or a website to enhance your English skills?
