Yes, but arguably John Tory's positions now are superior to the ones he previously held that he "flip-flopped" from. Say what you will about SmartTrack, but it did catalyze a lot of positive progressive things for Toronto:
- Eglinton West LRT now a priority again, and to be at least 60% grade-separated
- At least 6 new GO stations in the 416
- Kept a downtown relief line discussion ongoing, not just amongst us transit nerds, but the media and general public
- Got the DRL through the EA process stage
- Got all 3 Parties Provinicially and the Federal gov't committed to funding the DRL
- Got the King Street Pilot adopted as a stop-gap measure until the DRL is built
All this within one term. To say he's done nothing is disingenuous and to throw him out now puts all of the above at risk.
Let's hit off each of your points here:
1) Eglinton West is a "priority" because the city offered to pay 100% of the costs and took it off the province's hands. No one knows when it will be built, much in the same fashion no one knew when it would be built when it was under the control of Metrolinx. As for the 60% grade separation, we dont even know if their will be a single grade-separated point on the Crosstown West LRT due to the ineptitude of city planning. Tory wisely "directed" them to go back and further study the issue in depth.
2) 6 new GO stations are being built at the expense of Toronto taxpayers. Had Tory gone to the province and demanded that they included new stations for Toronto instead of inventing Smarttrack, the province would have caved in to build some stations in the city. Really there are about 3-4 stations we can give him credit for since Metrolinx wasnt being serious about those stations, the rest Metrolinx would have added in regardless. There was no point in time where Tory asked for additional GO stations, he just came up with his own plan.
3) He kept the Relief Line discussion going because of the ever worsening condition of the Yonge Line and how little the city has done to improve conditions.
4) The DRL hasnt even commenced the EA stage as Jennifer Keesmaat nicely pointed out for us, and it wont start until late 2018 due to city hall's stalling. It is still the design phase which is only ~30% complete.
5) The Feds were prepared to invest in the DRL regardless due to their infrastructure fund. All the city had to do was apply, which is what Tory did. Anyone could have done that with their eyes closed so we cant really give him credit for what he should have done. The province was committed but they never put a price tag on what they would contribute until the Feds came out with the infrastructure fund.
6) The King Street Pilot was designed for the crippling 504 service and has little to do with the DRL. It was spearheaded by the numerous complaints from residents who live around Liberty Village who could not get on a streetcar, and by riders who were stuck on a crawling streetcar. Keesmaat spearheaded the pilot and Tory had very little to do with it's inception. The one smart thing he did was to support it, so i'll give him credit there.
Essentially all Tory has done for transit is take projects that were under the control of Metrolinx, and put into Toronto's hands along with getting us 3-4 additional GO stations. One thing I will give him proper credit for is the TTC-GO co-fare which was long overdue, even though that got off to a pathetic start with the TTC/GO Sticker Metropass program. I have nothing against Tory, but I will call him out where he needs to be called out.