So that makes 3.
The more the merrier. @gweed123 and @44north, you've both mentioned this in the past. Still interested?
When it comes to the DRL I'm down like a clown. But I think this might be easier once the separate studies are complete As it stands, it seems there are too many questions about the line that could cause rifts in any advocacy group. With the City's proposal a big Q would be: 'should it pass through Broadview or Pape'. And with the Prov/York Region/Metrolinx proposal, a big Q would be: 'LRVs slogging along Front Street, subways slogging through floods, or buses'.
But keep in mind we have some fierce competition with regards to other projects' advocacy:
Right now we don't need to endorse anything specific about the line (alignments, stations, etc...) that would cause rifts. The final reports haven't been released yet, so endorsing anything at this point would be premature and would hurt the credibility of the campaign. For the time being I think we can broadly agree on three things:
Specifics would be worked out in the coming months.
- the Relief Line needs to be built
- SmartTrack is not a suitable substitute for the DRL
- the DRL should be heavy rail rapid transit.
I think we have enough from preliminary analysis on Metrolinx to cite their numbers. As long as we are upfront that they are preliminary numbers.
Also, when you say "heavy rail", I interpret that as GO/UPX/VIA trains. Do you mean subway? Let's not be shy about that word now.
Also, when you say "heavy rail", I interpret that as GO/UPX/VIA trains. Do you mean subway? Let's not be shy about that word now.
I think we have enough from preliminary analysis on Metrolinx to cite their numbers. As long as we are upfront that they are preliminary numbers.
Also, when you say "heavy rail", I interpret that as GO/UPX/VIA trains. Do you mean subway? Let's not be shy about that word now.
Someone suggested Don River Line before as the final name of a DRL. I like it.I'm seriously contemplating it, and partnering with #CodeRedTO and the insight they can provide.
Still trying to come up with a brand that is half decent. 'Line 8 Alliance' had been sticking in my head, but not sure the rationale behind "Line 8" is feasible; people would just get stuck on the name and distract from the message. Open to suggestions here.
Someone suggested Don River Line before as the final name of a DRL. I like it.
@TheTigerMaster , you know I am up for supporting an advocacy group.
Is anyone here seriously interested in setting up a citizen's advocacy group for the Relief Line?
It's my understanding that the citizens Hamilton Light Rail initiative successfully lobbied for the Hamilton LRT last year. I hope that something similar can be set up for the Relief Line.
I know that this idea has been discussed many times on UT, but now is a prime time to get something started, now that we have a new PM coming into office. And now that the SmartTrack plan is progressing, we must ensure that City Hall doesn't forget about the Relief Line.
I don't have anything too specific in mind at this point - that will all be sorted out once we have a few members.
Any takers?
I live in Vancouver, but I have been pushing to create a petition for the Don Mills - Downtown Relief line. I'm not sure if I can be part of the group, but if any of you could contact TTCRiders about the subject, I encourage you to do so. I think TTCRiders would be the best organization to start a petition - and I also think it's the perfect time to start a petition. It's been exactly a year and 3 days since Tory was elected, and we have a new Prime-Minister-elect.