It would be nice to see the guardrails raised a bit higher on the Gardiner. Cars have gone off of the highway and over many times in the past, due to excessive speed, and accidents.

/\ Brilliant.

I can only remember one such instance, although it did happen right around the area where Panorama is going up now. I think it was 4-5 years ago now.
That means some kind of proof. Newspaper stories, death notices, sworn depositions...

There was an incident a couple of years ago where a car hit a snowbank at the edge of the Gardiner that acted as a launching ramp - I can't remember all the details, but I'm pretty sure the driver was killed.
Not that I don't believe you kristopher. I've just never heard of this happening and am curious.

I also remember seeing an article in The Toronto Star, where a car went over the Gardiner rail and landed below. It's a true story.
It would be nice to see the guardrails raised a bit higher on the Gardiner. Cars have gone off of the highway and over many times in the past, due to excessive speed, and accidents.

I also remember seeing an article in The Toronto Star, where a car went over the Gardiner rail and landed below. It's a true story.

Torontovibe: noone was questioning that this happened. What is being debated is the frequency of this happening as khristopher has implied that it occurs quite often.
/\ You claimed that cars go off all the time. He is asking for a citation.

All the time? I said no such thing. I just said that it happens, and I think that raising the guardrails in a small patch where there is a condo right next to the highway would save a lot of money compared to some lawsuit or damage costs.
Khristopher, your post said many times - I rephrased it to say all the time. Not an exact translation I'll admit, but one which I feel still captures the essence of your original post.
I agree. I recently walked under the Gardner along the west side of Yonge Street and was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't a completely alienating experience. With buildings on either side, the underside of the Gardner is actually a pretty interesting urban space.

I hope panorama will have the same effect.

Looks like someone is starting to see the light that the Gardiner is cool!
It's cool in a bleak industrial chic way, but it needs to go.

Adjacent towers like Panorama will do a lot to minimize the effect, but in the end, it's an obstacle to be overcome.
