<<<<<<<Marketing Alert>>>>>>>>>

Central King West?? Sounds like "Upper Beaches" mentality. Likely west of Strachan IMO.
So there's a picture of this in This week's Condo Guide. also, there's pictures on the website! so.... if someone could somehow steal those renderings from the site, and post them here...? that would be great!

it looks like a nice project, nothing SPECTACULAR, but nice.
Peter Clewes strikes again!


Not quite as seismic as that, I think. But future generations of urban archaeologists will be able to reconstruct the sequence of aA'a buildings through the subtle shifts in their details ( ribbony balconies, angled stilts, 'Flemish bond' fenestrations etc ), which aA runs with for a few projects and then drops for something new.
An interesting building, but definitely not aA's best. I dunno: the funny angles of the balconies and the choice of coloured glass for the ground floor don't look particularly sophisticated.
Full page ad on the back of the current Xtra.

Parc has a gay logo too - the cute little tree has a cute little woody!
An interesting building, but definitely not aA's best. I dunno: the funny angles of the balconies and the choice of coloured glass for the ground floor don't look particularly sophisticated.

I agree, definitely an interesting building.
Interesting article in the latest Condo Guide (Jul 21-Aug4)...pages 136-138...

..."the east and west facades of Parc are all glass, while the north and south sides are clad in contemporary zinc panels...."

zinc? are these the panels that show on the rendering?

What about Parc - the aA designed, 11 story building which supposedly fronts on the park?

If I understand the question correctly ... Parc indeed fronts onto Stanley Park (but separated by street - Stanley Terrace), and I don't think there are any pylon / billboard signs that block the view, not that I recall at least ... here is the view looking west at the PARC site to the right (north) of 'Wellington on the Park' building with Stanley Park in the foreground as derived from MSN maps


sorry if I misunderstood your question though :)
/\ Thank's so much - that helps me orient myself a bit better. The current CondoGuide (the one with the Parc article) explains that the development will front directly on the park - I'm not sure if this is just clever marketspeak, but if Stanley Terrace is there it seems like it is. Any details?
