Pinnacle Centre is the dorky and awkward green kid in the background of the photo that is Toronto's downtown core.

Agreed, but its growing on me despite (or maybe because of) that.

I'm amazed at how gargantuan it appears as my view terminus looking east down Lakeshore. Its been fun watching this one grow, and I believe it was the temporary balcony barriers that made it look so forgettable before. As the finished glass rises, it has taken on a much cleaner look.

The protruding floors on the southwest corner are what make this building for me though, and I'm still very curious to see the crown go up.
Could someone please explain to me how a rant regarding the coolness of people in a pic or who are the best comedians pertains to the topic of this building? Time and time again I see this occuring on UT. Where are the moderators? This site is for the discussion of buildings is it not????

Except that you never did get back on topic. Seems a bit hypocritical for you to make criticisms like this while doing the exact same thing yourself, no?

So, back on topic...

Here is a rendering I hadn't seen before. I'm guessing I am not the only one who could use a reminder of what to expect...

funny how misleading the CN tower's position is in the render ^^^
this is one of those rare times where the real thing looks better than the render. :D
this is one of those rare times where the real thing looks better than the render. :D

I originally thought the same thing about Success Tower, but don't worry - as soon as people start moving in and putting up curtains, the building will look just as shitty in real life as it does in that render.
But the Render only shows 42 Floors...... Unless there is up-dated version I never saw !!!

It's v42 storey, they got an 8 floor increase.
But the Render only shows 42 Floors...... Unless there is up-dated version I never saw !!!
Ya, I was taking that into account. I figured that the top three floors are still the larger balconies. It looks like there are just finishing them in JasonZed's update.
I'll probably get criticized for saying this, but I love the colour of this thing!

WHAT?!?!?!..... -just kidding ;)

i'm definitely not gonna criticize you for that, success 2 looks good... though it's not something we haven't seen before.
for me, Success 1 wins in terms of dimensions (and tower design), and as of this moment, Success 2's glass clearly is better (though that is only because people haven't moved in yet with their white curtains).

Pinnacle centre is the best green-glass condo out there, for it's type of glass. (trump is a different category)
