The scale is quite reasonable.
The southerly building doesn't abut any large buildings.
The northerly building between the two existing towers reads as a tight squeeze visually.
Clearly, it seems to me, no parkland dedication proposed; as I expected, although, I thought there might be a more POPs.
Landscape Plan (southern portion of property)
They are proposing a sculpture garden fronting Sherbourne; and squeezing in a very tiny playground towards the eastern portion of the site.
View attachment 289020
The Planning Rationale Report provides the separation distances:
Levels 2-4 of the Sherbourne Building will be ‘I’-shaped and designed with separation distances of 16.0 metres (between the main horizontal ‘stem’ of the proposed building to the existing building faces of 191 and 201 Sherbourne Street) and 12.0 metres (between the north-south vertical ‘stems’ of the proposed building to the existing buildings).
The vertical ‘stems’ will have a depth of 13.7 metres nearest Sherbourne Street and 12.4 metres nearest Windeyer Lane. Levels 2-4 will include setbacks of 2.8 and 6.15 metres from the Sherbourne Street and Windeyer Lane lot lines, respectively. See Figure 7, Level 2 / 3-4. These levels will cantilever over the drive aisle at the ground-level.
From Levels 5-8, the easterly vertical stem is removed through additional stepbacks of 4.0 metres from the north and south facades. With respect to transition, the east façade, which faces Windeyer Lane and the low-rise neighbourhoods to the east, steps back 6.0 metres at the 5th level, 6.4 metres at the 9th level, and 6.0 metres at the 13th level. At the 13th level, the building will include an outdoor amenity terrace for use by residents of the building.
Unit sizes vary from just over 500ft2 for a 1bdrm to 968ft2 for a 3bdrm:
View attachment 289021
* the Shuter-fronting building has a single 3brdm on the ground floor at 1,248ft2!
Amenity space on terrace/roof levels is contemplated.