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Nov 19, 2007
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Pemberton bought this corner at Dundas and Church in September.

I don't think there is a thread for this one.
I mentioned in another post that the restaurant owner of 227 Church told me several buildings at Church/Dundas were sold to developers. I guess this is it.
Wow. Church street seems to definitely be the next street of major development. Makes sense seeing as how its the next major street parallel to Yonge.

I dont know much about Pemberton. Any good?
This is one of the most sad looking corners in the city of Toronto. Thanks goodness it's being razed. Goodbye roach-infested Dundas Square Hotel.
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It amazes me that a hotel as run down and sleazy looking as the Dundas Hotel can exist so close to our busiest tourist area. I know Dundas East is a crappy area but it is such a prime area, close to everything. I would have thought this area would have been redeveloped 20 years ago. Developers need to look closely at this area because the area, right to Jarvis, is just ripe for a complete redevelopment of the whole district, from Queen to Carlton.
^^ It would appear that developers *are* looking closely at this area, no?
It amazes me that a hotel as run down and sleazy looking as the Dundas Hotel can exist so close to our busiest tourist area. I know Dundas East is a crappy area but it is such a prime area, close to everything. I would have thought this area would have been redeveloped 20 years ago. Developers need to look closely at this area because the area, right to Jarvis, is just ripe for a complete redevelopment of the whole district, from Queen to Carlton.

The Dundas Square Hotel has a few rooms marketed to tourists, but it is mostly a long-term SRO hotel. People who live here are for most intents and purposes, homeless. Plans for the Waverly, the Dundas Square, and closure of the New Broadview are removing SROs. Not necessarily a bad thing, as long as there are decent new alternative housing to replace these lost units.
^^ It would appear that developers *are* looking closely at this area, no?

I don't know, look at all the empty lots and under-developed buildings along Dundas Street East. The south west corner of Dundas/Church (Pizza, Pizza) has a large parking lot that just seems to sit there, undeveloped. That's just a waste of valuable space. Are there any plans to develop that large parking lot, which is just a short walk to Yonge? Have developers bought that land? I haven't heard anything about that.

I'd like to see retail or entertainment uses spread eastward from Yonge Street, along with the residential. A fully developed downtown can't be just a retail strip up Yonge Street. It should flow in all direction from the centre. (Yonge & Dundas) I'd like to see Dundas, Church and Jarvis become more than just condos with nail salons and banks. We need some major shopping and entertainment options on the east side too.
I don't know, look at all the empty lots and under-developed buildings along Dundas Street East. The south west corner of Dundas/Church (Pizza, Pizza) has a large parking lot that just seems to sit there, undeveloped. That's just a waste of valuable space. Are there any plans to develop that large parking lot, which is just a short walk to Yonge? Have developers bought that land? I haven't heard anything about that.

I'd like to see retail or entertainment uses spread eastward from Yonge Street, along with the residential. A fully developed downtown can't be just a retail strip up Yonge Street. It should flow in all direction from the centre. (Yonge & Dundas) I'd like to see Dundas, Church and Jarvis become more than just condos with nail salons and banks. We need some major shopping and entertainment options on the east side too.

I am with you 100%.
Just got back from a trip to Istanbul, and the amount of retail/restaurants on so many streets in all directions, not just a few main drags really make the city so lively and interesting. Many are local shops, not subways/starbucks. Downtown (not to mention north of Bloor) is seriously lacking in retail on streets other than Yonge, Queen W, King and Bloor W. Dundas East, Queen East Church, and Jarvis are prime examples where more retail is needed.
How unfortunate that it's Pemberton that bought it. However, I am excited that this corner will finally be redeveloped! The only part that makes me sad is that one of my favourite restaurants is there. Sabai Sabai.
How unfortunate that it's Pemberton that bought it. However, I am excited that this corner will finally be redeveloped! The only part that makes me sad is that one of my favourite restaurants is there. Sabai Sabai.

what I heard is that the developers are trying to make the restaurants stay by including them in the project and providing a makeover.
what I heard is that the developers are trying to make the restaurants stay by including them in the project and providing a makeover.

I'd like to see more developers doing that, and leasing at or near previous amounts.
I think I know the corner your are talking about with that monstrous parking lot but I thought that land was owned by Ryerson? I had always assumed that's why it was never developed because it's as prime a location as you can get.
I think I know the corner your are talking about with that monstrous parking lot but I thought that land was owned by Ryerson? I had always assumed that's why it was never developed because it's as prime a location as you can get.
This is the southeast corner...
The northwest corner you're referring to with the parking lot is another thread.
