any criticisms aside, i can't wait until this line opens. where we will be travelling through in the future doesn't currently exist! subways just feel so permanent, like they've always been there. it will feel different riding this line especially because i've been following it since it was just a proposal. from an idea to a train travelling through tunnel in the ground. it's very cool.

and it's gonna be accessible too!
Personally I'm just excited to see any new subway extension open, regardless of where it's located. Sadly this is probably the last one we'll see for a long time.
Personally I'm just excited to see any new subway extension open, regardless of where it's located. Sadly this is probably the last one we'll see for a long time.
I share your enthusiasm and sadness.

I personally can't wait to see what happens with VCC around this. If they build it up around the subway properly, it could actually be a great downtown area.
I share your enthusiasm and sadness.

I personally can't wait to see what happens with VCC around this. If they build it up around the subway properly, it could actually be a great downtown area.

I'm skeptical about VCC turning out well. But if the Spadina extension is well-used, it might convince the TTC to build more subways. Or not. I guess we can only hope that Vaughan doesn't mess this up. Because if the VCC extension is a failure, it really will doom subway expansion in this city for a long time.
I'm skeptical about VCC turning out well. But if the Spadina extension is well-used, it might convince the TTC to build more subways. Or not. I guess we can only hope that Vaughan doesn't mess this up. Because if the VCC extension is a failure, it really will doom subway expansion in this city for a long time.

What about the new downtown line? They're going to have to build it.
It hasn't been funded yet, though, so it can't be considered a sure thing.

let's be honest though...the yonge extension getting canceled would be a huge hole in the system like as if the sheppard subway never made it form Downsview to Scarborough town centre....OH wait....:p
let's be honest though...the yonge extension getting canceled would be a huge hole in the system like as if the sheppard subway never made it form Downsview to Scarborough town centre....OH wait....:p
What? The Sheppard subway wasn't finished? You mean, we made plans and then didn't do them?

I'm sorry, I just find that assertion impossible to believe.
Are you being sarcastic? There were simultaneously building the Eglinton and Sheppard subways and then Harris intervened, canceling work on the Eglinton line and truncating the Sheppard line. If I'm not mistaken Eglinton wasn't far progressed at all (I think they had just done some preliminary work moving utilities out of the way), and Sheppard ended up with the shorter platforms and a reduced length (and I believe Willowdale station was deleted at that time, or was it always planned to be skipped?)
I'm skeptical about VCC turning out well. But if the Spadina extension is well-used, it might convince the TTC to build more subways. Or not. I guess we can only hope that Vaughan doesn't mess this up. Because if the VCC extension is a failure, it really will doom subway expansion in this city for a long time.

Considering how long it will take after the Spadina extension is finished before the potential of VCC is realized, it would be silly to base subway expansion on that. We're talking 15-20 years minimum. Real rapid transit expansion across the City and GTA is needed now.
Are you being sarcastic? There were simultaneously building the Eglinton and Sheppard subways and then Harris intervened, canceling work on the Eglinton line and truncating the Sheppard line. If I'm not mistaken Eglinton wasn't far progressed at all (I think they had just done some preliminary work moving utilities out of the way), and Sheppard ended up with the shorter platforms and a reduced length (and I believe Willowdale station was deleted at that time, or was it always planned to be skipped?)

yes for everyone's information I was being sarcastic...I thought the little :p would give it away, but next time I will say it in brackets (like this) I'm sort of astonished that you would imagine me to be so ignorant as to not know that the Sheppard line was not completed...
Considering how long it will take after the Spadina extension is finished before the potential of VCC is realized, it would be silly to base subway expansion on that. We're talking 15-20 years minimum. Real rapid transit expansion across the City and GTA is needed now.
It's just 2.5km from Steeles West, though. That station, York University, and Sheppard West, are close to huge trip generators. York U students and working class residents of Jane and Finch will utilize the line.

In Vaughan, the feeder network on the 407 Transitway should be significant as well. The GO buses are used and will certainly help feed the Spadina line. VCC is the only question mark, but then we're only talking about a measly 0.9km.
yes for everyone's information I was being sarcastic...I thought the little :p would give it away, but next time I will say it in brackets (like this) I'm sort of astonished that you would imagine me to be so ignorant as to not know that the Sheppard line was not completed...

No, I knew you were being sarcastic, it was DavidH's post that I thought was serious
