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Jul 13, 2008
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Sorry to go off topic, but there are some new developments that potential residents need to know about. They are looking for people to voice their concerns at a forum this evening. Please read below.

From: Councillor Pantalone <councillor_pantalone@toronto.ca>
Subject: URGENT! Strachan Ave Super-Bridge
To: "Councillor Pantalone" <councillor_pantalone@toronto.ca>
Received: Tuesday, April 14, 2009, 2:37 PM

**You have been added to Deputy Mayor Pantalone's community bulletin.

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URGENT! Strachan Ave Super-Bridge

Dear neighbours,

MetroLinx is NOT listening!

At 8:30 this morning - one day before "MetroLinx's Open House" - I was informed that MetroLinx dropped the community's and City of Toronto's preferred option for the Strachan - At - Grade elimination. (See the City of Toronto Staff Report: http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2008/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-16917.pdf).

Today, MetroLinx offers one sole solution -- a bridge that will tear at the urban fabric of our community. Not only does MetroLinx's sole "solution" force the closure of Douro Street and Wellington Street at Strachan Avenue, but it entails the erection of an ugly super structure (think another Gardiner Expressway?) smack in the middle of some of Toronto's most vibrant, historic, and creative neighbourhoods (Niagara Neighbourhood, Liberty Village, Exhibition Place, Fort York and the Waterfront).

As your Toronto City Councillor, I am surprised and disappointed that our alternative has been unilaterally dismissed. What can you do? In the first instance, you and your neighbours can attend the Open House - TOMORROW - Wednesday, April 15, 2009 from 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Fort York, Blue Barracks - 100 Garrison Road. Make our voices heard!

Please use these two links for more information:




Joe Pantalone

Deputy Mayor

City of Toronto

Super bridge super sucks

Thanks for keeping on this fight...this is an outrage and not something that I have heard about before today. Considering I live literally 500m from where this will be built on Douro I am extremely concerned. How can I take part in this fight?
I do hope that GO loses this fight for the sake of the neighbourhood and that this fight is quite short so that they can get on with the required grade separation.
This is a BRUTAL idea and Metrolinx must be stopped, please everyone go, register and comment on their board that this is a very very wrong thing to do - it will destroy one of the most vibrant new neighbourhoods in Toronto.
I can't believe the brutality that this would inflict on my neighbourhood. This is terribly depressing. The lowering of the rail corridor is the only option that maintains the vitality of Strachan Avenue and helps keep King West linked to the waterfront. This will be a disaster if it happens. We all need to write and complain. Register on the Metrolinx site and voice your own concerns please! Also join this Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=72775059818&ref=mf
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But who pays for the lowering of the rail corridor? Did you know that the dug out would have to extend for almost a mile to make the slope safe for trains?

Well who pays for the bridge either? Honestly, I will have to put up with the noise and hassle of the dug out (I live at Niagara/Bathurst) and the increased train frequency in either case, but I'd rather keep the integrity of the neighbourhood along Strachan Avenue, even at a higher cost. This neighbourhood has such fantastic potential; let's not cut it into more pieces with a nasty bridge.
But who pays for the lowering of the rail corridor? Did you know that the dug out would have to extend for almost a mile to make the slope safe for trains?

Yeah, I doubt a lowered rail corridor to allow an at grade crossing instead of an overpass is possible in combination with the existing King and Queen overpass let alone the logistics behind lowering a busy, compact rail corridor. They could save some pennies in regards to the Front Street Extension though.

The smarter thing would of been to plan the new buildings on a much higher grade on the north side of the tracks (like Liberty Village)
I'd rather keep the integrity of the neighbourhood along Strachan Avenue, even at a higher cost. This neighbourhood has such fantastic potential; let's not cut it into more pieces with a nasty bridge.

Whats wrong with a tunnel, would a traffic underpass not look a lot nicer in this rail intersection.
I keep thinking about all the places that neighbourhoods have been bisected by rail over-passes or road bridges. The neighbourhoods die a little death along the entire length of the grade change. Think about King Street West, where the street ducks under the railway. I dread walking under there so much that I usually take the streetcar just to avoid the pedestrian experience there. Or Queen West. There is no life along the streets in those areas. At least if the railway was lowered beneath Strachan, the existing sightlines and urban activity along the street would be maintained... they could even widen the resulting at-grade road bridge a bit to provide some additional green space along the sides of the roadway.

Have you ever been to Thornhill near John/Bayview, where on both of those streets there are massive road bridges over the railway? There is absolutely nothing pleasant, from a pedestrian's perspective, that makes those areas feel comfortable. Further east along John Street, there is another rail line that passes below the street, with the roadway at grade, and it's a much more attractive and workable form for pedestrians and development (despite the overall suburban nature of this area - these are just examples of road/rail crossings that come to mind).

It would be a shame not to get this right the first time, and then leave future generations to pay the costs of correcting the mistake... sort of like the Dufferin jog is being improved now.
does anyone have links to pictures because for some reason i can;t picture the difference between options and I want my voice to be heard......thanks
does anyone have links to pictures because for some reason i can;t picture the difference between options and I want my voice to be heard......thanks

The Deputy Mayor might be able to provide some documentation of proposed plans or direct you to where it is filed. His contact information is:

Joe Pantalone
Deputy Mayor
City of Toronto
I keep thinking about all the places that neighbourhoods have been bisected by rail over-passes or road bridges. The neighbourhoods die a little death along the entire length of the grade change. Think about King Street West, where the street ducks under the railway. I dread walking under there so much that I usually take the streetcar just to avoid the pedestrian experience there.

There is no reason to be scared but you are right Scrappy, here a couple of things that folks have to be aware of, the cars smoke you out, there is water always dripping from up above and through the side walls, the sidewalks are usually muddy and wet, when the train passes overhead it sounds and feels like its going cave in, watch for pigeons up above shitting on you, yes it is quite an experience walking or biking through this outdated underpass. Living in the neighbourhood i have also noticed that every so often tall trucks are caught wedged under the bridge, Ohh yes another thing when there is a rain storm bring your swimwear in case there is a flash flood. :eek:
There is no reason to be scared but you are right Scrappy, here a couple of things that folks have to be aware of, the cars smoke you out, there is water always dripping from up above and through the side walls, the sidewalks are usually muddy and wet, when the train passes overhead it sounds and feels like its going cave in, watch for pigeons up above shitting on you, yes it is quite an experience walking or biking through this outdated underpass. Living in the neighbourhood i have also noticed that every so often tall trucks are caught wedged under the bridge, Ohh yes another thing when there is a rain storm bring your swimwear in case there is a flash flood. :eek:

One thing i forgot, they did improve the overall lighting which makes it much safer for walking or biking at night. :)
Here's how they plan to turn Strachan into a rollercoaster. This is disgusting.

