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May 24, 2007
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Again, If there is an official thread for this building, then I apologize, and this thread can be merged with that one.... if not... than here's some info!

The Avenue, (at Avenue Rd, and St.Clair) has erected its crane, and has started building. This one is going to be ... well I guess we'll see in the end, now wont we?!






very well suited for this area! Nice scale and style... Which corner is it on / which way does it face? Just trying to visualize what the view might be like on some of those upper terraces.
I dont' remember this one. It actually looks like it could be nice. Meets the street well and could have nice materials.
very well suited for this area! Nice scale and style... Which corner is it on / which way does it face? Just trying to visualize what the view might be like on some of those upper terraces.

Its on the Southwest Corner, and those terraces in the render face North.... I guess you get a view of UCC... and .. umm... hahaha, forest hill!
we havent heard anything much about this one for awhile - I think there might already be an established thread for it... good to see it will soon be rising above ground level!
Sorry no pictures, but just wanted to note that work on The Avenue has risen to/above ground level now. Should start going skyward much more quickly! Perhaps someone with a camera can get a snapshot. It's easy to get good pics as the St. Clair front has no hoarding.
Gosh I like this one or is it my age showing.
This one has a real Manhatten Park Aveue feel going.
Should fit in nicely for this area.

..and there is no damn podium! Hooray!
I'm kinda starting to get podiumed out a little.
Oh Granny - if only it didn't have that schlocky, grasping, Palladian window at the top I could feel a bit better about this one. Not that this building will be terrible, but it isn't one for me to celebrate either. The modernist towers east of 'The Avenue' on St. Clair really deserve better than this: they were forward-thinking for their time when they appeared, but here we have a step backward, an ersatz embodiment of Norman Rockwell memories for the empty-nesters that Camrost is trying to tempt out of Forest Hill. I am sure it has sold well...

they were forward-thinking for their time when they appeared

unfortunately, foward-thinking in this time looks more like women's sex toys than a hive for paper pushing drones
Oh Granny - if only it didn't have that schlocky, grasping, Palladian window at the top I could feel a bit better about this one. Not that this building will be terrible, but it isn't one for me to celebrate either. The modernist towers east of 'The Avenue' on St. Clair really deserve better than this: they were forward-thinking for their time when they appeared, but here we have a step backward, an ersatz embodiment of Norman Rockwell memories for the empty-nesters that Camrost is trying to tempt out of Forest Hill. I am sure it has sold well...


....Norman Rockwell??

Kind of stretching a little on this one?.. hmm?

Can't type much..longer ...tears .. laughter....
Park Avenue is a relatively lifeless traffic artery, at least north of Grand Central. At least St. Clair has some street life at some points. Maybe granny was thinking about Madison Avenue or Lexington Avenue? Those are streets to emulate.
