Looks like a bit of oil canning on a couple of the larger panels, but there is far, far worse cladding going up in the city right now. I like that they've managed to blend the vision and spandrel glass fairly seamlessly. For a minor sidestreet (and facing a surface parking lot that's almost certain to get developed sooner or later), this really isn't terrible.
It's going to be very visible once it's cleared that residential building at the corner of Bloor & Sherbourne and the National Post tower -maybe a couple of months from now.
I walked by yesterday, and my first thought seeing only the tuna can cladding on the Bloor side was: "I can't wait to see all the hate this must be getting right now on UT"

Turns out you've all been playing nice... or completely given up! 🤣
Not the worst looking among currently active projects, but definitely on the subpar side. Frankly, I still think it's just a lazy rehash of the Couture condos on Jarvis that was built like 7 or 8 years ago.
