July 8th

I'm never sure where to put combo photos of both Uptown & Crystal Blu.

Uptown & Blu from Bloor St., east of Yonge & Bloor Street at Balmuto Street, respectively

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks for the pics.

It would be interesting to see how the precast would actually look once they start putting it on.

Is the 6th floor where the amenities and patio will be located ?

With Blu's smaller footprint, it is rising faster.

Uptown's base is easily twice as wide as Blu's plus Uptown's depth (towards Yonge) goes back further also. See the Blu thread for photos showing this - http://www.urbantoronto.ca/showthread.php?p=290854#post290854
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Podium Floor Plan

Is there above ground parking in Uptown?

Actually, I think there is above ground parking. In this picture, you can see a definite slope in the floor plates.

I noted that some time ago too. I presumed there was no above ground parking based on information from their website, but who knows

I'm pretty sure there's above grade parking in Uptown... its in the Condo Docs :)

like Crystal Blu ... there are units along the frontage facing Balmuto, but in the back of the podium floors is a parking garage

Interesting. Does it say how many levels there are? I guess they must have eliminated a few floors of suites then?

nope .. the parking garage in the rear was in Pemberton's plans from day one ~ (I helped out at the sales office when it first opened)

would you look at this ~ :D

I found a floorplan + keyplan correlating with these 'podium suites', similar idea behind Lakeview Gallery Suites @ Park Lake

Excellent, good work!
One can clearly see here that there will be parking, or at least a driveway area on the second floor at the front of Uptown. Above that... not so much.


One can clearly see here that there will be parking, or at least a driveway area on the second floor at the front of Uptown. Above that... not so much.

The parking is at the back mostly, so from the front there it would not really look like there is any above ground parking.
What, you think there are going to be apartments on that unleveled floor? Not mine thank you.

the way that above grade parking garage was designed in Uptown is not a conventional 'spiral ramp' with 4 ramps and landings, rather the inclined ramps are only located on the north, east, and south side of the podium, effectively leaving parking on a flat surface along the west side (abutting the 3 condo units)

That's the money shot that I've been trying to capture for several weeks now to contrast each side of Blu & Uptown's precast in between the two buildings. There's always a damn truck in the way or one side is in the shade etc. I never thought to try from the lane-way as opposed to Balmuto Street.
Good work capturing that Drum!!!
Why did they go with above the grade parking instead of digging down another level?

The excavation for underground parking was significant - also digging another floor down is much more expensive than allowing for some above grade parking towards the rear of the site. At this site some above grade backing set back from the street makes sense as any units on the first few floors at the side or the back would face an alley/brick/pre-cast wall... not exactly great units to purchase.
