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Jul 14, 2016
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Ward 32 - Tor & E.York District

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Rezoning and OPA to allow a proposed 9-storey apartment building with 61 residential units and 63 below grade parking spaces. Access to vehicle elevator from Kingston Road, total GFA of 4,498 m.sq, 3.62 FSI.

Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---






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quickly looking at the documents - there appears to be a "turntable" for vehicles so they can turnaround on the site. interesting. (or am I reading this incorrectly?)
quickly looking at the documents - there appears to be a "turntable" for vehicles so they can turnaround on the site. interesting. (or am I reading this incorrectly?)
I've seen these on a few site plans recently. I believe they are largely used to allow for larger trucks to turn around on small sites like this. They are absurdly expensive and I would not want to own in a building with one.. the maintenance costs on one would be astronomical.

Also, yet another new midrise on Kingston Road. I imagine that whenever Kingston Road actually gets streetcar service again, there will be significantly improved ridership with all the additional population.
Perhaps. All the midrises along the route combined amount to a couple hundred units. The parking ratio is a high 1:1 as well.

That's a lot of terraces. The north side is pretty bland. Grade level leaves a lot to be desired. The city and developer should come together so that access can be made from Wheeler in the rear.
That's a lot of terraces. The north side is pretty bland. Grade level leaves a lot to be desired. The city and developer should come together so that access can be made from Wheeler in the rear.

A concession to the 45 degree angular plane to the neighbours at the back, no doubt. Well executed bland will do well for the site - I can only wish we get more blandness as such in Toronto.

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Views from those terraces looking south could be pretty awesome.
Can't wait for another lane closure on KR.....
The traffic stoppages by "security" for the new developments at Main and KR are insane.
Views from those terraces looking south could be pretty awesome.
Can't wait for another lane closure on KR.....
The traffic stoppages by "security" for the new developments at Main and KR are insane.
It's been horrendous for a good couple of years. Now with Gerrard completely hosed by watermain work for the last 9 months too, Kingston Road is a disaster daily.

Some day parking enforcement will also get their butts in gear and we won't still have cars parked in the curb lane eastbound at 5:00pm. I anxiously await the introduction of tolls on the DVP so Kingston Road can take an even bigger share of 905'ers heading to Pickering and beyond every afternoon.
A concession to the 45 degree angular plane to the neighbours at the back, no doubt. Well executed bland will do well for the site - I can only wish we get more blandness as such in Toronto.


This neighbourhood is booming in building such as this. I've also seen better execution. This is a development flipped 180 degrees. The rear gets the attention while the front is well crafted but, still an afterthought
Here's what the site looks like now:


It's all three houses.



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Request for Interim Direction Report:
This Report responds to an application for which staff are currently not in a position to provide a Final Report to Council, but which could be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal due to a lack of decision during the break in Council's meeting schedule (July to December 2018).


The proposed land use is compatible with adjacent and nearby land uses, but the built form and massing, in its present form, is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014) (PPS) and does not conform with the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2017). The proposal, in its present form, does not adequately address policies contained in the City's Official Plan, the Avenues and Mid-Rise Buildings Study (2010) and Mid-Rise Building Performance Standards Addendum (2016).

The purpose of this report is to seek Council's direction for the City Solicitor and other appropriate City Staff to attend a hearing at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) (formerly the Ontario Municipal Board), in opposition to the applicant's current development proposal and appeal should the application be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. The report also authorizes staff to continue discussions with the applicant or revisions to the application to address the issues set out in this report.
