Welcome to the UT Forum siiix! Let us know if you ever see any movement on site…

Seems to me that the owner is going to ditch it to the developer....does this site have any historical values.:confused:

the price is super high and that saved us in the past, but this time its unlikely no mater how unrealistic the price will be (it was listed for $4.8mill 2010),
although the building is old i doubt that an old industrial railway reload station would qualify for historical building, especially its not really a nice looking building
Acura dealership - Front and Sherbourne

Word in the hood is that they are going to start demolishing the buildings on this site in a month. Any truth to this rumour? I recall reading on here some time ago that the site was bought. Any plans floating out there yet?
Interesting. I'm wondering if the Siesta Nouveau on the n/e corner of Lower Sherbourne and the Esplanade will go too. I used to have band practice in that building for about 3 or 4 years around 3 years ago. Our guitar player actually lived there. Odd, interesting, character-filled place. Anyways, word had it that the landlord of the Siesta--a real douche--was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to sell, and that no one wanted to buy the Acura lot until he was going to sell.

I'll miss that joint. Lots of good times and it introduced me to the area, which is now one of my absolute favourite: St. Lawrence Market/Crombie Park.
Word in the hood is that they are going to start demolishing the buildings on this site in a month. Any truth to this rumour? I recall reading on here some time ago that the site was bought. Any plans floating out there yet?

The whole block (including the 'purple house' at The Esplanade and Lower Sherbourne) now belongs to Pemberton but I doubt strongly that the Acura will be demolished any time soon. They have a building permit application in to build their new home on Eastern/Front at Cherry but their first plans were panned by the Design Review Panel and they have not, I am told, submitted new ones yet. The Acura (and the Sobeys and the Purple House) will certainly be demolished one day but I bet not for a year or more.
The 'purple house', before it was painted purple, had the name 'Siesta Nouveau'. As I said above and in the other thread, interesting place.
OPA / Rezoning 12 141911 STE 28 OZ Ward 28
- Tor & E.York Mar 23, 2012 --- --- --- ---
Rezoning application to pr emit the re-development for the lands for the purposes of a new mixed use development consisting of a 34 & 33 storey condominium connected by a 15 to 17 storey podium fronting onto the south side of Front St. East and north side ofThe Esplanande . Included in the proposal is ground floor related retail/commercial uses. 913 parking spaces located in a below grade parking facility would be provided on site.
Awesome! this is going to be fun for me to track progress on, i go to practice at the jam studio once a week across the street at 178 front
And I'm wondering if this development includes the Siesta Nouveau, i.e. the 'purple house'? I'd assume so...
At the rehearsal factory? How do you find it there?

Yea it cant be beat for the price, awesome drums and marshall stacks for 15 an hour

Knowing the area, does anyone think 15-17 storeys for a podium is a bit excessive here?
yes siesta is history, my manager forced me to take off my previous posts, but as we leaving the building in a week anyhow, it dont matter anymore

just the facts:
the group who builds the condo approached our landlord December
1 week later he was dead
2 weeks later the building was sold to them
right after we all got our 60 days eviction notice
april 1st most of us are out of here , maybe a few stuglers remain
today the demolition company showed up to assess the building

so the building will be near empty with in the next week, its already half empty
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