Hmmm... I was just thinking the render without much of anything surrounding it looked a bit floaty. Tentative, even.
Hmmm... I was just thinking the render without much of anything surrounding it looked a bit floaty. Tentative, even.
Definitely. The thing is not resolved, is not "serious" architecture, but maybe the spot could handle a folly, a bit of an architectural joke? We'll want high enough quality materials so that the joke is not an annoyance to behold, but just a reminder for us not to be too dull, too unambitious wth our buildings too often.

Agreed! I'm down with the odd strange building, especially if it's made with good materials and refrains from being too wildly over the top. I rather like this one for some reason... but it's just a rendering, so anything can happen.
Not the usual coma inducing stuff we usually get but it's hard to draw too many conclusions so far. It's refreshing that someone is at least trying which is more than I can say for 80% of what Toronto builds.
Now, this is a building design that's bold and unconventional looking, but in a good way.

I like....... ?
Construction has begun:

