No problem. I participated early on in the review process of the park. The concept of it stayed the same, but there were small tweaks. For example, they originally were going to remove the fence along Bay St near St. Joseph St, but as the only person in the review who had children, I explained that I couldn't let my kids play 10 ft from Bay St without a clear barrier there. Also, that fence is heritage. It's been there a long time! They ended up agreeing with both measures and reincorporated it into the design.

That is a great contribution Greenleaf.
Nice work Greenleaf. I will take a look at that fence, I cant figure out why I never noticed it. Hopefully its wrought iron or stone or something.
Update from earlier today:
2015-09-04 15.25.00.jpg


  • 2015-09-04 15.25.00.jpg
    2015-09-04 15.25.00.jpg
    232.9 KB · Views: 1,405
Looks close to move-in time for the lower units, if it hasn't started already. This project was launched for sales at the end of 2008, if I remember correctly. Buyers had to wait 7 years to move in. I'm curious, is there some metric somewhere about what the average build time is for a condo in T.O.?
The west tower has been inhabited for many months now. Not sure about the east tower though. I don't think there are units inhabited yet but I could be wrong.
I caught a crew dismantling a construction hoist on one of the Westlake buildings earlier this year, and posted the photos here.

Fascinated to see copper trim just installed, running in long bands about 6" in width, on the townhomes and inner courtyard. I cant wait to see it oxidize.
Seeing quite a few ads for these town homes. Not selling well it appears?
I walked by yesterday on the w. side of Bay and thought that anyone who spends 7 figures on one of these places is nuts. Yes, they're nice, but you also walk out onto Bay St. every day. And anyone who lives in T.O knows that if you aren't going to take Jarvis south, Bay is your next best bet. Traffic, traffic traffic.

Having lived in an apartment in another city that backed onto a six lane thoroughfare, I can personally attest that the noise gets old, really, really quickly.
