So I went to the "Vivid" website and clicked on the Virtual Tour link. That opens up a video of a suite interior, and everything, everything, everything in the suite is a different shade of brown!!! I thought it was supposed to be vivid! ROFLMWO!!! (= rolling on the floor laughing my whiskers off)
They did the same thing at Park Lake with the pre cast panels. Luckily, at PL its hidden below the Gardnier. You can't expect much from this project, as its their bottom of the barrel one.
Rendering for Vivid.

Puke. Based on the marketing effort I would expect something different. But I guess it's more of the same dreck Pemberton has been building at Islington throughout the last decade or so.

Umm, what is this absolute PILE??

Wow. The last tower is going to be the worst. Looks like a horrid pomo throwback to 1990. As a rapidly urbanizing centre, ECC deserves much better at this point in its evolution. Simply disgusting.
Thank god Parc Nuvo will block my view of this disaster. A few years from now, people will think this was the first tower to go up, not the last.
For those who haven't clicked on the link above to see Vivid's website, please click on it: you simply will have never seen a building so badly branded.

The Vivid marketing is pretty eye-catching, kinda sexy, and it creates expectations for the viewer. Go further into the website though by clicking on the Virtual Tour link, and those expectations are quickly undercut by all the brown that I mentioned above. At one point I thought "maybe they just threw a sepia tint on the whole video", but then the vid scans past a shelf of books, and guess what, there's some real colour in there, so no, the unit really is all browns. Egad - this is supposed to be Vivid!!

Now that we've seen the render of the building above, I am at a complete loss. It's easily the ugliest condo Torontonians are currently being threatened with, truly 10 if not 20 years out-of-date architecturally, and it either shows the utter contempt in which Pemberton holds us all, or it lays bare their complete lack of taste and sense of design. What the building will reveal of anyone who buys here is that either they share Pemberton's contempt or deficiency, or that they have given up on life. The marketing, therefore, should be more like this:

Given up? Don't care anymore? Want to raise a middle finger on Etobicoke's skyline? If so, Pemberton's Vapid is for you. Vapid. It's us. It's you. It's Vapid.
The website isn't working for me.
Where exactly at Bloor & Issy is this proposed to be built (like which street)?
Look forward to this project. Will be getting pricing shortly! w00t w00t :p I think this will be some of the few good ROI for pre-construction in GTA right now...hopefully...i guess we'll find out a few years from now after its built :D
This should go up quickly, whenever they start construction. I believe they only have to start a grade since the underground was completed with Palais.
This should go up quickly, whenever they start construction. I believe they only have to start a grade since the underground was completed with Palais.

Correct, underground parking was already pre-built while constructing Palais. So they'll be starting at grade.
I believe this is the last phase of Pemberton's planned developments on Micheal Power. Those are awful, outdated buildings and I do not know they are selling well?? Probably because it is just right by the subway.
All building in the Islington/6 points/the kingsway seems to be geared towards the older crowd in terms of design.
I guess this is where the GTA folks come to retire.
