W. K. Lis

Member Bio
Dec 24, 2007
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West Park Healthcare Centre, located at 82 Buttonwood Avenue, in the Weston Road and Jane Street area, is proposing a redevelopment plan.

Read the PDF from this link.


West Park Healthcare Centre is proposing to redevelop its lands at 82 Buttonwood Avenue. As part of this application, West Park has put forward a master plan which provides an overall concept for the site redevelopment, including street layouts, open spaces, development blocks and general building heights. Specific details for the buildings themselves will come forward in the Site Plan Approval applications for each block, as they are developed. The master plan forms the basis of the Zoning By-law Amendments proposed by the applicant. The applicant is proposing that site redevelopment occur in phases to facilitate the continue use of the site and the coordination of funding.

The development is proposed to occur in three phases. The site would be divided into development blocks by a new public road extending westerly into the site from Charlton Settlement Avenue then looping south to connect to Buttonwood Avenue.

The easterly portion of the site, Phase 1 lands, is currently occupied by a surface parking lot and open space areas and is approximately 2.16 hectares (5.3 acres) in size. This portion would be developed for a residential seniors’ village incorporating a range of seniors’ accommodation, potentially including long-term care facilities, assisted living units, and rental and condominium seniors’ residential units, together with ancillary office, retail and personal service uses.

The buildings would be stepped up from 6 and 8 storeys along Charlton Settlement Avenue and the northerly site boundary to a maximum of 16 storeys internal to site. The proposed gross floor area for Phase 1 is 58,034 square metres (624,694 square feet). Parking would be provided underground.

The westerly portion of the site, Phase 2 lands, is currently occupied by a number of hospital buildings and is approximately 7.09 hectares (17.4 acres) in size. This portion of the site would be retained for health care purposes. A new patient services building would be constructed, together with improvements to the existing Main Building. The existing Ruddy and Gage buildings would be demolished. The proposed floor area of the
new patient services building is 28,364 square metres (305,320 square feet). On a net basis, the number of on-site hospital beds will increase from 277 to 328.

The central portion of the site, Phase 3 lands is approximately 1.70 hectares (4.2 acres) in size. These lands are capable of accommodating either further expanded health care facilities or other compatible uses as circumstances warrant and needs arise for development in the more distant future.

The campus redevelopment plan illustrates 6-storey buildings on each of the two parcels, providing for a total of 38,335 square metres (412,650 square feet) of additional floor space in Phase 3. The Phase 3 lands are currently envisaged for proposed hospital functions. However, they are considered to be “flex lands” in as much as this ultimate phase of development will be subject to market studies, government funding and further health care program need assessments over the planning period. As such, the applicant is requesting that permissions for the Phase 3 lands be flexible to allow them to be retained for hospital uses or to be developed for additional complementary residential and other uses.

The Phase 3 lands would be used as surface parking lots to serve the health care facilities in the interim until such time as they are ultimately redeveloped.

From West Park's website:

In 1981 Terry Fox visited West Park Hospital to repair his right prosthetic leg which had become worn down and damaged during his Marathon of Hope.
Rezoning has finally been filed, 7 years later. HoK architects, proposes a single, larger hospital building along with several new residential buildings on the eastern portion of the property. Construction supposed to run from late 2016 to late 2020, though that seems rather optimistic.

Proposed first phase of a three-phase redevelopment project (Blocks A, B and C) to accommodate hospital uses, complementary uses, and additional future development, respectively. See 16 121271 WET 11 OZ for related Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment folder.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---


Meeting Tuesday, July 5, 2016
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
82 Buttonwood Avenue, West Park Health Care Centre
Main Building (West Park Auditorium)

From Preliminary Report - 82 Buttonwood Avenue - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application at this link:


The application proposes to modify the previous approval for the redevelopment of West Park Health Care Centre at 82 Buttonwood Avenue (Official Plan Amendment No. 126 and Zoning By-law No. 1001-2010) approved by City Council in August 2010. The current application focuses on the hospital lands (Block A) and seeks to permit the development of a new hospital building as an alternative to the renovation of the existing hospital buildings contemplated in the 2010 approvals. In addition, the current proposal would necessitate adjustments to the configuration of the previously approved block plan, including modifications to the delineation of Block B and Block C. The modifications to Blocks B and C are limited to their delineation and area and do not seek substantial changes to the permissions that were a part of the previous approvals.

This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's direction on further processing of the application and on the community consultation process.

A community consultation meeting scheduled by staff, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, is targeted to be held in the third quarter of 2016. A Final Report and statutory public meeting under the Planning Act to consider the application is targeted for the first quarter of 2017. This target assumes the applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.

Background Information (May 24, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Preliminary Report - 82 Buttonwood Avenue
Just one day after posting the Growth To Watch For story covering this part of town, the province has news on this site:

News by Infrastructure Ontario
Transmitted by CNW Group on February 2, 2017 11:00 ET

Companies Prequalified for West Park Healthcare Centre Development Project
TORONTO, Feb. 2, 2017 /CNW/ - Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and West Park Healthcare Centre (WPHC) have announced three teams prequalified to design, build, finance and maintain the facility's hospital development project in Toronto.

Based on an open, competitive request for qualifications process that began in September 2016, the following three teams have been prequalified and will be invited to respond to a request for proposals, expected to be issued in spring 2017:
    • EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare
    • Plenary PCL Partnership
    • West Park Healthcare Partnership

Targeting LEED® Silver in the Canada Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) rating system, the project will see the construction of a new hospital facility totalling approximately 730,000 square feet. Other project features include:
    • 314 beds (20 per cent increase) with 80 per cent of beds in single-patient rooms
    • Significant increase in outpatient care space to accommodate current and new services such as geriatric clinics and day hospital, and satellite hemodialysis
    • Demolition of three existing hospital buildings – Main, Ruddy and Gage – as well as the existing maintenance building
    • New campus entrance that will involve new public and private roads within the campus
    • Extension of utility services and the construction of additional parking spaces
    • Increasing the amount of green space with landscaping for outdoor therapy and therapeutic gardens

WPHC helps patients get their lives back by providing inpatient, outpatient and outreach services in specialized rehabilitative and complex care as a result of lung disease, amputation, stroke, traumatic musculoskeletal injuries and other life-altering and life-long injuries and illnesses. The redevelopment will transform West Park's 27-acre site into an integrated campus of care, enabling the hospital to evolve its rehabilitative medicine to meet Ontario's future health care needs.

Quick Facts
    • IO and WPHC are working with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care on the development of the hospital, which will see the hospital remain publicly owned, controlled and accountable.
    • The West Park Healthcare Centre project is one of 20 health-care projects currently being managed by IO.
    • This project is being delivered using IO's Alternative Financing and Procurement (AFP) model, an innovative way of financing and procuring large, complex public infrastructure projects. Projects that are delivered using IO's Alternative Financing and Procurement model have a track record of being 96 per cent on budget to date.
    • Ontario is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, public transit, roads and bridges in the province's history. To learn more about what's happening in your community, go to Ontario.ca/BuildON


Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care"Ontario is committed to ensuring that community hospitals receive the support they need to improve their facilities and delivery of patient care. Today's announcement brings us another step closer to the redevelopment of West Park Healthcare Centre, and ensuring that patients have access to high quality health care within a state-of-the-art facility."

Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Infrastructure"Modernized and accessible rehabilitative care is vital to the residents of this province. With our population expected to increase by 30 per cent over the next 24 years, this project is an investment into the very infrastructure that will provide just that."

Laura Albanese, MPP, York South-Weston"The residents of York South-Weston will benefit directly from the redevelopment of the West Park Healthcare Centre. We will have increased access and improved patient care right in our community."

Anne-Marie Malek, President and CEO, West Park Healthcare Centre"West Park's new hospital will provide Ontario patients with improved access to specialized rehabilitative care and help them get their lives back."

Before the freezing rain storm on Tuesday, West Park salted the sidewalks for pedestrians. That's fine, but got me thinking.

We see condos, office buildings, and other high-rise buildings with heated driveways. However, heated sidewalks or walkways is an expensive gravy extra. Shouldn't the city have a by-law that where buildings have heated driveways, that they must have heated sidewalks or walkways at the same time.

I would like to see heated sidewalks and walkways in the West Park Healthcare development, for pedestrian visitors and patients. It would also save on the use of salt.
In response to my e-mail to the West Park people, they replied with:

Thank you very much for your great suggestion of incorporating heated sidewalks for both our new hospital and non-hospital buildings. West Park is planning for a heated driveway and sidewalk in front of the new hospital. Plans have yet to be developed for the non-hospital buildings but we will forward your suggestion.

We do recognize there are patients and visitors, long-term care residents and members of the community who will use our sidewalks to access campus services and/or simply enjoy our grounds. We are committed to continue ensuring our sidewalks are well shovelled and salted according to the weather, especially given that most of our patients are seniors and/or require wheelchairs and other mobility aides.

Once again, thank you for your interest in our campus development project. If you have any further questions, feel free to connect with us any time. We look forward to further updating you and the community of our progress in the coming year.

West Park Healthcare Centre one step away from final approval
Toronto City Council will consider the matter on March 9 for a final decision

From link:

West Park Healthcare Centre’s redevelopment proposal is one step away from final approval.

Etobicoke York Community Council endorsed city planners’ recommendations and unanimously approved plans on Feb. 22 to build a six-storey hospital building with as many as 460 beds.

Toronto city council will consider the matter on March 9 for a final decision.

West Park provides specialized rehabilitation, complex continuing-care, long-term care and community health services at its Buttonwood Avenue campus in the Weston Road and Eglinton Avenue West area.

“We’ve been almost a year in discussions with the city,” Shelley Ditty, West Park’s vice-president of planning and development, told councillors.

“We’re fully supportive of the staff recommendations except recommendation number four — the new public street. The campus road should remain private, including for the safety of patients.”

Councillors agreed.

Senior city planner Gregory Byrne argued for a public road in his Feb. 2 staff report.

A public road would “create a great public street frontage … a more defined address for the new hospital building and the existing Long Term Care Facility … assist integrating the West Park Health Care Centre with the adjacent community,” Byrne’s report stated.

The redevelopment “will facilitate renewal of health care infrastructure; provide for an appropriate amount of intensification; and better integrate the facility with the surrounding neighbourhood."

About 20 people at a community meeting last July at the centre raised issues of density, traffic and patient safety.

Notwithstanding, Byrne reported “the community was supportive."

West Park’s proposal is an alternative to the renovation of the existing hospital buildings approved by city council in 2010.

Currently, the site contains four health care-related buildings, ranging in height from one to six storeys.

At present, West Park has 477 hospital beds, including 123 rehabilitation beds, 154 continuing-care beds, and 200 long-term care beds.

Area Coun. Frances Nunziata called it “a big investment in York-South Weston. It’s very positive for my residents.”
BTW. Around the corner at Verona & Emmett, you can buy building lots, for building your own house. From link.


They got the "former" name of the city wrong again. Instead of "North York", should be "York".


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Inching forward:

Prequalified Companies Invited to Bid on West Park Healthcare Centre Development Project
July 28, 2017
TORONTO - Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and West Park Healthcare Centre have released a request for proposals (RFP) to three teams prequalified to design, build, finance and maintain the new hospital development project in Toronto. The release of the RFP marks a critical milestone in the project, enabling the teams to begin work on proposals for the new facility.

An open, competitive request for qualifications process, overseen by IO and West Park, began in September 2016. This process identified three teams with the design and construction capability, facilities management experience and financial capacity to deliver a project of this size and scope. The prequalified teams invited to submit proposals for the project are:

EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare
    • Developer: EllisDon Capital Inc.
    • Constructor: EllisDon Design Build Inc.
    • Design Team: Cannon Design Ltd. and Montgomery Sisam Architects
    • Facilities Management: EllisDon Facilities Services Inc.
    • Financial Advisor: EllisDon Capital Inc.
Plenary PCL Partnership
    • Developer: Plenary Group Canada Ltd. and PCL Investments Canada Inc.
    • Constructor: PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
    • Design Team: B+H Architects and Stantec Architects Inc.
    • Facilities Management: Johnson Controls Inc.
    • Financial Advisor: TD Securities Inc.
West Park Healthcare Partnership
    • Developer: Axium Infrastructure Canada II LP, DIF Infra 3 Canada Ltd., and Walsh Infrastructure Canada Ltd.
    • Constructor: Walsh Canada
    • Design Team: Parkin Architects Ltd. and Adamson Associates
    • Facilities Management: Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions Canada LP
    • Financial Advisor: Brookfield Financial Securities Inc.
Targeting LEED® Silver in the Canada Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) rating system, the project will see the construction of a new hospital facility totalling approximately 730,000 square feet. Other project features include:
    • Three hundred and fourteen beds, with 80 per cent of beds in single-patient rooms
    • Three-piece private washroom for each patient, even in double occupancy rooms
    • Significant increase in outpatient care space to accommodate current and new services such as geriatric clinics and day hospital, and satellite hemodialysis
    • Demolition of three existing hospital buildings - Main, Ruddy and Gage - as well as the existing maintenance buildings
    • New campus entrance with new public and private roads within the campus
    • Increased green space, landscaping for outdoor therapy, therapeutic gardens, walking paths and courtyards, plus terraces on every floor
Once the RFP submissions are received, IO and West Park will evaluate submissions and select the successful bidder. The winning bidder is expected to be announced in summer 2018, with construction to follow shortly thereafter.

Ontario is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, public transit, roads and bridges in the province's history. To learn more about what's happening in your community, go to Ontario.ca/BuildON.

Quick Facts
    • This project is being delivered using IO's Alternative Financing and Procurement (AFP) model, an innovative way of financing and procuring large, complex public infrastructure projects.
    • IO and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care are working with West Park Healthcare Centre to develop the facility, which will be publicly owned, controlled and accountable.
    • According to Ontario's 2017 Long-Term Report on the Economy, every $1 spent on public infrastructure has been shown to increase GDP by $6 in the long term.
Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
“Investing in the West Park project is another example of our government's commitment to provide hospitals with the resources they need to ensure better access to high-quality health care services and to improve wait times and patient experience.”

Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Infrastructure
“We are very excited to have reached this important milestone for a project that will serve the healthcare needs of Ontarians for years to come, while creating jobs and building up the economy.”

Ehren Cory, President and CEO, Infrastructure Ontario
“Infrastructure Ontario is proud to support West Park Healthcare Centre through the delivery of a modern and accessible facility. This announcement is a significant milestone in the process to select a team to deliver this project.”

Anne-Marie Malek, President and CEO, West Park Healthcare Centre
“West Park Healthcare Centre is now one step closer to realizing its vision of an integrated campus that will provide exemplary rehabilitative care. We look forward to welcoming patients in our new, world-class hospital facility and helping them get their lives back.”

Learn More:
Infrastructure Ontario - West Park Healthcare Centre Project
West Park Healthcare Centre Campus Development
To be considered at the next City Hall Council meeting on May 22, 2018. From link.

Permanent Closure of the westerly Portion of Buttonwood Avenue adjacent to West Park Healthcare Centre

Background Information (Community Council)

(April 11, 2018) Report from the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District regarding Permanent Closure of the westerly Portion of Buttonwood Avenue adjacent to West Park Healthcare Centre
Transportation Services recommends that the westerly portion of Buttonwood Avenue adjacent to West Park Healthcare Centre ("WPHC") be permanently closed.

In order to modernize and expand the facilities, WPHC submitted Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application Nos. 16 121271 WET 11 OZ and 16 190083 WET 11 SB. These applications proposed the construction of a new hospital building with a new public street network and incorporated the westerly portion of Buttonwood Avenue into the development site in order to reconfigure the WPHC campus.

Approval of the above-noted Zoning By-law Amendment application was granted by City Council on July 7, 2017 through the enactment of Zoning By-law 837-2017. With respect to the above-noted Draft Plan of Subdivision application, a Notice of Decision under Section 51(37) of the Planning Act was issued by City Planning on September 18, 2017.



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Ceremonial groundbreaking for new West Park Healthcare Centre development.



West Park health centre offers patients a room with a view
at this link.

Doug Ford repeats vow to end ‘hallway health care’
at this link.

See the official West Park Development plans at this link.


See video at this link.

Doug Ford and Christine Elliot are funding this only because it is in their riding, this hospital is an old hospital that needed some delevempent though, it is interesting to see a pool built at a hospital though.
Doug Ford and Christine Elliot are funding this only because it is in their riding, this hospital is an old hospital that needed some delevempent though, it is interesting to see a pool built at a hospital though.

West Park Healthcare Centre is in the new Ward 5 (old Ward 11), York South-Weston. The MPP for York South-Weston is Faisal Hassan of the NDP.
