Developer: West Park Healthcare Centre, Infrastructure Ontario
Architect: Montgomery Sisam Architects, Cannon Design
Address: 82 Buttonwood Ave, Toronto, Canada
Category: Institutional (Health Care)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 93 ft / 28.40 mStoreys: 6 storeys
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Oh, well still interesting development though, hospitals are only now thinking about gyms, swimming pools and green space.

Should be remembered that West Park is a long-term care centre. In cases of emergency, patients get transferred to a different hospital with emergency facilities.
Been told by someone who work there that they have found various bury tunnels and foundations that don't show up on any site plans and causing problems. This impact on other on going work and how to move patients around.
From link.


Keeping our patients and staff safe

Status of COVID-19 positive cases at West Park Healthcare Centre

April 18, 2020
Current West Park Healthcare Centre COVID-19 cases:​
4 patients​
4 staff (please note that staff who have tested positive are not working at the Centre until they are well).​

  • There are currently 4 patient cases and 4 staff cases of COVID-19 at West Park Healthcare Centre;
  • There will be a Patient Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) meeting on April 27, 2020, at 2 p.m;
  • If you or your family members would like to join our patient and family email list to be notified via email with updates about COVID-19, please send an email requesting to be added to We continue to update our website and social media channels regularly with COVID-19 information.
  • Pharmasave at West Park is extending a 10% discount to all patients throughout the pandemic for essential items including: shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, mouthwash, combs, hair brushes, razors, shaving cream, body wash, body lotion, baby powder, Vaseline, deodorant, dental floss, and sanitary napkins. If you have any questions or if you wish to call in an order, please contact Sam Basili at Pharmasave at 416-243-2700.
  • Please note that family members can drop-off essential items including communication devices, clothing, and shoes for patients, Monday to Saturday from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. Please speak with your Care Coordinator if you would like to have items dropped off for you;
  • Please continue to practice frequent hand hygiene and practice physical distancing (creating a space of 2 metres between people);
  • If you have any questions about COVID-19 or West Park’s response, please speak with the manager on your unit.
