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Apr 25, 2007
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This is a rezoning of a former stormwater pond.

Assuming this is Quadrangle, like the rest of Downtown Markham. I like how these projects are getting more modern. Application for Zoning By-law Amendment.pdf


Not to be confused with this project directly to the north:
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Nice project, and a big step in the right direction. While the general scale and mixed use zoning has been mostly positive in DM, some of the architecture has been wretched.
Nice scale and form, but I can't help but notice a resemblance to Minto Westside at Front and Bathurst; not too excited about the design, but we'll see how the execution goes.

Nice project, and a big step in the right direction. While the general scale and mixed use zoning has been mostly positive in DM, some of the architecture has been wretched.

I'm actually quite happy with the design of the existing residential buildings; they've got some class and elegance IMO. Can't say the same for the new theatre and offices however.
Looks like Remington is totally milking the York University thing with this project name o_O
Keep in mind this was suppose to be a large office building .. they were marketing it for years; Maybe they just didn't get enough traction ?
Remington did shrink the amount of office space in DM, but they are also moving some of it towards the GO Station to the east in advance of better train service.


After (there is also more office space planned to the east of what's shown here):
Cool, thanks for that ! Yea regardless I'm sure they'll be substantial office development here; Even what just exists (with the 3 buildings now [including aviva and the smaller parts in the ciniplex complex], is approach 1 million square feet)

But I still have a fault with the project, I think they would have been better off doing the retail first and the residential after (similar to shops and Don Mills, not that I think that porject is better btw, its not), I think you'll see will turn out to be a big fault, in the sense that ... I know folks who live in the area and car culture is king at this point, and it should be there's only so much around, once that mentality builds in its hard to change ... maybe over time ...)

Oh and while I think some folks will argue you need the residential density, I'll argue that's not the case at all here, there is a huge concentration of office in this space that would keep any new and interesting retail fairly well used during the day.

Wrong thread but does anyone have viva pink/purple ridership #s ? While anecdotal I swear it seems like its less busy then it was 2 or 3 years ago even with the dedicated lane and more importantly much increased residential density.
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Wrong thread but does anyone have viva pink/purple ridership #s ? While anecdotal I swear it seems like its less busy then it was 2 or 3 years ago even with the dedicated lane and more importantly much increased residential density.

The monthly numbers are up, but year-to-date is down for Purple. I'm hoping that at the end of the year, year-over-year numbers will be up, if only slightly. VIVA and YRT in general seem to be stalling on ridership. In a few years, the Highway 7 subway station and the York Campus in Markham should both be absolutely massive for VIVA, of course, but growth might be limited in the meantime.
I'd wager both those things (namely the subway) are many many years away ; ) But I agree !
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