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If 4430 starts its test runs it won't take long to determine if this number is authentic or digitalised.

It's an interesting grey area if the photo is authentic but someone in PR added the number to the photo, before sending to the world, thinking that the 'average viewer' might not get the point without it.

- Paul
Hold on, I thought the streetcars were delivered with no front number and that they only get applied before entering service . None of the previous deliveries had the white numbers applied beforehand.
They don't. That 4430 seems to be typed with a textbox with photoshop. It's flat instead of curving on the surface. The front two guys are ghosts since they don't cast a shadow on the streetcar. Who knew they have dead people working from BBD. They usually do an inspection on the first day. So it would be tomorrow afternoon for it's first test run if TTC works on holidays.
Conspiracy theories aside, is it maybe time to acknowledge that Bombardier has finally met a (self-assigned) deadline in delivering the 30th streetcar by the end of the year? Maybe now that they've learned the trick they can keep delivering the damn things on some kind of respectable schedule from now on. Hope...must have hope...(thought process trails off into confused recollection of unkept promises and stonewalling, before rallying and clinging to a vision of a brighter future).
Conspiracy theories aside, is it maybe time to acknowledge that Bombardier has finally met a (self-assigned) deadline in delivering the 30th streetcar by the end of the year? Maybe now that they've learned the trick they can keep delivering the damn things on some kind of respectable schedule from now on. Hope...must have hope...(thought process trails off into confused recollection of unkept promises and stonewalling, before rallying and clinging to a vision of a brighter future).

IMO i would wait a little longer into 2017 to make judgement. From their track record, they very well couldve been just doing an all out push in the last few weeks to say we met the quota, where as in reality they did that at the expense of other production lines. I would like to see what happens in the early months when there is no last minute push to truly gauge their productivity. However, with the second line coming online, the job may be easier, though they did "promise" over 70 cars next year.......
IMO i would wait a little longer into 2017 to make judgement. From their track record, they very well couldve been just doing an all out push in the last few weeks to say we met the quota, where as in reality they did that at the expense of other production lines. I would like to see what happens in the early months when there is no last minute push to truly gauge their productivity. However, with the second line coming online, the job may be easier, though they did "promise" over 70 cars next year.......
The Toronto Rocket line should been finished by now. They could have lend a hand. Once Metrolinx's LRVs move to Kingston, they'll be busy assembling these streetcars. For the first half of the year, they need to deliver 5 every 2 months. We should be seeing the 4440's by Spring if they're on track.

Toronto Star just reported that the 4430 had been delivered.
4430 is at Leslie now.
I would like to hear from the TTC spokesman.

If it's a fake photo, they did a good job of putting slush on everybody's boots. My theory remains - the photo is genuine, but the car didn't have its top number, and someone thought the photo would have more impact if that were added. It's a journalistic no-no, but the media publishes lots of stock photos that have been manipulated before they were distributed to the press. (Show me a politician's publicity photo that has crooked teeth ;-)

A more important complaint would be - what does it say when the guy in the leather jacket gets off not wearing PPE?

- Paul
If it's a fake photo, they did a good job of putting slush on everybody's boots. My theory remains - the photo is genuine, but the car didn't have its top number, and someone thought the photo would have more impact if that were added. It's a journalistic no-no, but the media publishes lots of stock photos that have been manipulated before they were distributed to the press. (Show me a politician's publicity photo that has crooked teeth ;-)

A more important complaint would be - what does it say when the guy in the leather jacket gets off not wearing PPE?

- Paul
We're not saying the people aren't genuine. They weren't part of the same photo. Some parts were stitched together with photoshop. The car could indeed be 4430 but they only had 2 BBD guys (the two to the right). They placed two more guys so they can imaginary hold the arrival sign. It's not that easy to identify it's 4430 so they added the white number.
OK, I'm stepping from the absurd into the ridiculous, but.....

As someone who uses Photoshop a lot (and takes lots of pictures of painted metal vehicles), my theory would be that the picture looks unnatural because someone photoshopped the nose to remove reflected sunlight coming off the windshield. Look at how long the shadows of the two supposed "real" guys are. It's virtually impossible to take a picture of something that shiny in direct sunlight coming at that low angle without some glare. There is absolutely none in the shot.

You can see areas of the windshield that look quite unnatural. The lower right hand window has an odd area that looks like a Photoshop selection was used. That may be why the two "fake" guys look a bit unnatural - the photoshopper likely selected around them and tweaked the windshield and nose. The body mechanics of the guys on each side match, and as I said, they all have slush on their boots. And those two long shadows would take a long time to draw in PS. It's the red of the nose, rather than the people, that looks unnatural.

I'm guessing BBD demanded something - anything - as a picture, but conditions weren't helpful. So you take the best shot you can, and clean it up in post processing. Maybe the top area was reflecting, or maybe the number wasn't there and someone thought it was a smart addition.

Anyways, the car exists. It is here, really. And Bombardier did meet their commitment. The number of cars they turned out since November can't be a fluke. So I'm hopeful that 2017 will be better. But we need to ratchet back our scrutiny a touch. Check in when 3 or 4 more cars have arrived, and see what the pace is.

- Paul
Two new streetcars on the 514 Cherry today! Can't wait to have this line entirely converted. Anyone know how many cars will that take?
If I read it right, the TTC Service Summary (Page 3) states it uses 10 CLRV and Flexities during the peak-period on weekday mornings (the busiest time). Not sure how many this would mean for ONLY Flexities. See current Service Summary on Steve Munro's archive at:
