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Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I already have a date. She's worried the bars won't be open...
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Let's hope they are. I may need a few, um, stiff drinkies to get through Lady Macbeth - the trombone's wah-wah-wah detumescence following the musical bonking can be quite distressing for a gentlemen of any age ...

My baritone friend, not a member of this forum, has mixed feelings about what he calls "the bargain basement eastern bloc casts for a lot of the works" for next season. "Who are these people and where do they come from?" he asks, as indeed we've all asked over the years. "Especially shocking for something like the Barber of Seville where there are any number of great Canadian singers who can sing Figaro and Rosina - and who do we get? People with more consonants than vowels in their names." he grumbles.

He points out that there's not one "big name" non-Canadian in the roster. He's not alone in hoping that casting would have improved with the new house.

February 1st sees the TSO release their lineup for next season. As usual, I'll be adopting my anyone-but-Oundjian approach to selecting conductors. Concert juggling, and fitting in holidays, leaves me as tightly scheduled as the Royal Family, well into 2008.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

One suspects that much of the COC's casting for 07-08 was put in place before the new house opened and its glories became obvious to all.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Though the on-again off-again casting of Peteris Eglitis as Wotan last summer shows they can turn on a dime when they have to.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Working Rehearsal Gal at the COC says the bar "should be" open.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Last night, at the Lady Macbeth working rehearsal, the bars in Ring 4 were open.

We were in the PC lounge, however, where director Paul Curren gave a talk after dinner. Then, through to Orchestra level for the rehearsal. The Friends were in Ring 3.

They performed the first two acts. An important piece of stage machinery ( upper rooms of a house that slide on tracks back and forth on the stage ) hadn't arrived in time, so they'd rehearsed acts three and four the previous day.

The set is a chicken slaughterhouse ( Curren's 85 year old aunt worked in one in Toronto ). Plenty of sex and violence - one woman gets her red bloomers ripped off and almost gang plucked in the chicken trough. And flagellation. And poisoning.

A group of lighting engineers occupied the middle rows, with control panels, and speaking rather too loudly into headsets. Obviously a lot of work has to be done to get the lighting effects done properly. They seemed to be experimenting most of the evening. The assistant conductors sat a few rows in front of them, following the score with stands of sheet music and taking notes.

Some problems with a large screen that's lowered and raised to cover and uncover the upper rooms of the house.

Shosty sounds fabulous. The chorus was powerful, the soloists holding back at times. This Katerina can sing and act. There was humour -especially Alain Coulombe as the priest. All the leads were good, I thought. I'm really looking forward to seeing the whole thing.

Very early this morning, at the St.Lawrencey flea market, I bought a very old top hat made from beaver fur that fits perfectly. Someone was selling off a whole collection of them, all quite ancient.

Please let us know what you think of Faust, ap.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Were they selling only toppers? I already have two in my collection of interesting headgear, but if they have other chapeaux of interest I might wander over there pre-run next weekend. and flagellation and violence. The perfect antidote to today's sad news of Sally Spectra's untimely demise.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Only toppers. Richard - who sets up inside the building on the east side - bought them from a collector. Mine's made by Tress & Co. of London for W & D Dineen of Toronto.

It is well worn, and could do with some refurbishment at the brim, but the price was good even without a box. It feels comfortable and looks rakish when pushed down just-so. All I need is a tail coat and a swagger stick and I'm ready for a night at the opera. Maybe I'll check out a vintage shop, or the old clothing show ...

Nice and soft, as only sheared beaver can be.

Do you wear yours out, or do you just collect?
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Cabaret on Queen always has a good selection of tail and morning coats - though size 40 and above are generally rare.

I never wear mine - because they are beaver, the are for daytime wear, or hunting. One finds there are few occassions for wearing morning dress these days - I've worn my coat exactly once - and I don't ride well enough to hunt, even if there were a hunt in these parts.

I have been known to plonk my Privy Councillor's hat on when I want the authoritative look only gold bullion and white ostrich feathers can give.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I sold my pair of black and white Florsheim patents that I never wore to Cabaret. I sometimes see the man who runs it buying at the St. Lawrence on Sunday mornings.

You could wear your beaver topper as you ride to hunt ... bargains ... on Boxing Day.

My ( other ) man Yannick will indeed be conducting on Wednesday. I've wangled an invite to the PC lounge talk and the rehearsal for me and my baritone friend. If I wear the hat you'll spot me down below.

To hounds!
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Black and white patent shoes - heavens, such flash.

I did my Boxing Day shopping in Florida this year - I could have worn my straw boater, had I packed it. My dermatologist would have been pleased if I had.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Yes, too much flash, even for me. Real Fred Astaire shoes.

One of my co-workers, here in the chicken slaughterhouse, sometimes wears his boater to work in the summer.

I don't think I've ever seen a man wearing a top hat and full formal drag in Toronto, other than in an offhand ironic sort of way. But there is genuine appeal in doing it totally "straight". The days when Hollywood stars and the aristocracy, or anyone else for that matter, wore white tie seem to be long since gone. Though I did see one or two queens doing it at the opera gala last year and I recall that you were considering it.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Ugh, in this burg you can hardly get people into a dinner jacket, let alone formal evening wear - think of all those photos in the Brazilian Ball magazine and similar with all those tables of male guests in, yeccch, business suits.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Well at least they don't try to dress "creatively".

Opera In Concert are doing Zaide this Sunday, which I'm rather looking forward to.
