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Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I have been thinking lately about joining the President's Council - but decided against it.

You get seven working rehearsals, with dinner and a talk by someone from the production team, season opening and closing parties at the Tanenbaum Theatre, an Xmas brunch at the Rosedale Golf Club wherever that is, priority seat selection, seat-changing, buying extra tickets and one or two other things. But my needs are simple, since I usually go on my own: I'm more interested in the creative side than anything else, and I get the sense that many of these people are there primarily for the social scene. Also, the price is going up in July and I'm far too cheap to shell out that kinda dough.

President's Choice is more my style.

But I'm going to move down to Orchestra level in 07/08, and maybe move back to Saturday nights again.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

The Rosedale Country Club is located in Hoggs Hollow.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I get nosebleeds just thinking about north of Bloor.

Just went to the box office and did the deed: I'll be a Saturday night man next season if they let me switch from 4A to 1A without paying them a bribe ... er, charitable donation.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I went all the way to Lawrence for new years. It's like another country way up there.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Boxing Day sweltering in Florida without a straw boater and New Years freezing on Lawrence Avenue - what fun. My parents rented a bungalow on Bedford Park Avenue in the early 1970's and I used to commute downtown to art school. The bungalow eventually became a monster home.

On New Years I sat up until three in the morning playing Rumoli with my former neighbours and our friends - like we always do - at their new condo in the gay village. And I won this year. It doesn't get much better than that.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Pardon the intrusion, but I was wondering whether I would run into you! It's a shame we didn't get a chance to chat. I enjoyed the performance, and the staging was very impressive. I can't wait to see it once they have decent lighting. The costuming choices were also rather interesting.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

unimaginative: You're not intruding; this little ghetto thread was set up for andreapalladio and myself, to be sure, but everyone else is welcome. Fairy dust has been liberally sprinkled around the perimeter to ward off evil spirits, and nothing bad will happen to you for the duration of the time you spend within the walls of our enchanted domain.

I'm seeing Faust on the 1st, and Lady Macbeth on the 15th in case you're there those nights.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

You are most kind and hospitable. I've yet to buy my tickets, so I'll look and see what is available on those dates.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

ap: I haven't seen McLaren's interview with KK yet - did I miss it?
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Oh, I don't think it was ever intended for the paper - it ended up being more a panel discussion with Kain and three of the dancers, with LM's insipid questions and references to herself.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

Ah. I didn't realize it was for an audience - I thought you were a fly on the wall or something.

How's the running going? I do so admire someone with such an active, sporting lifestyle.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

The running continues.

I've had to break up with Yannick. I didn't realize 'till he came up on stage last night that he was only 3 apples tall.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

That's his appeal. From Ring 4 I could watch his every move. And the stalking continues - at the Heliconian Hall on Saturday, and at the Bach thing next month.

Wasn't the orchestra terriffic?

I thought Brett Polegato was in fine voice. Thank goodness they fixed his wig.

The soprano sounded both shrill and indistinct by turns. The orgy scene with the clingy babes in purple reminded me of the orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut and was rather silly. Maybe it worked in the nineteenth century.

The Sneeze Heard Around The World - during that quiet moment - was fun.

Margaret Atwood and hubby were in the fancy lounge but I didn't see anyone else notable there. I can use my pass one more time - at Lady Macbeth. I refuse to sit in that dreadful broom closet upstairs.
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I was hoping the fire-breather would produce a spectacular, unscripted conflagration.

Where was he when they needed him - at the end of Gotterdammerung?
Re: >Re: Speawuw and Magwic Helmet

I can see why almost everyone else cuts the orgy scene - it adds nothing - but the music is beautiful. I liked the soprano. I didn't think much of Faust, but I suppose he was local - and inexpensive.
