Probably not, unfortunately. Unless there's an overhaul of the signalling system or additional grade separation at pinch points (and there are a lot of them), five minutes for each line is the max (2.5 for the downtown tunnel)
I think he was referring specifically to weekend frequency, which is lower than weekdays.
In that case, they might increase the weekend frequencies once the WEM is open to be the same as weekdays.
That's just an estimate. It could very well exceed that, if transit continues growing in popularity, particularly as more attractive options like LRT begin serving more and more parts of the city.
its expected to exceed it.
I mean all that is fair; However, It is the criteria used to choose the route and design the line. sooo…. Im not sure what your post is about.

Literally to offer an alternative to a study from 14 years ago. It isn't that hard to comprehend.

its expected to exceed it.

So then why are you sharing studies from 14 years ago?


Time to collect some bets. Thankfully nobody was injured.

"Police say an SUV turning eastbound from Roper Road onto 75 Street stopped on the tracks and was hit by a train."

If one stopped on the tracks that person is an absolute MORON. Blame the people, not the system. Thankfully nobody was injured, no thanks to the idiot who stopped the car on the tracks.

I genuinely hope his/her insurance doesn't cover a single penny.
"Police say an SUV turning eastbound from Roper Road onto 75 Street stopped on the tracks and was hit by a train."

If one stopped on the tracks that person is an absolute MORON. Blame the people, not the system. Thankfully nobody was injured, no thanks to the idiot who stopped the car on the tracks.

I genuinely hope his/her insurance doesn't cover a single penny.
Either that or the driver is at fault. I’m sure the driver also received a ticket for failing to stop at a red light.
Yeah this is a case of the driver being an absolute idiot. I'm sorry but I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone getting into these accidents with the Valley Line. I drive all the time for most of this line, along with taking the train on non work days. No excuse at all for this.

I'd be in support of a bylaw that essentially adds a massive fine for these incidents, mainly due to the economic effect they have on stopping rapid transit.

People genuinely won't learn until it hits their pocketbooks hard.
Anyone who hits a train is 100% at fault in every circumstance imo. Also, if you're not attentive enough not to see the biggest vehicle on the road, you should not have your license. Trains are literally the most predictable vehicle in the existence, they only travel in two directions and are too big and heavy to accelerate and decelerate quick enough to surprise someone. If you hit the LRT, you are at fault and should pay the price, probably should get your license suspended in addition to paying for repairs and additional fines on top of that, how can a driver be trusted not to hit much less visible things like small cars, children and bicycles if they aren't able to avoid hitting a massive train.
The pace that Marigold is moving with this project is fantastic to see! Stony Plain's new design is going to do this area wonders, and you can even see Glenora stop in its earliest stages now 😁

