Frequency can and does drive demand. Reducing it from the start is planning for failure.

I know that Salvador and Janz know this. Why is the city admin ignorant when it comes to transit scheduling?
It is a tad disappointing but I wonder if it's more to ease their way into the opening. The city's ridership estimates for this line are extremely low in my opinion so if the trigger for 5 minute frequency is based on a ridership milestone it seems like that will quickly be met.
Meet us at Millwoods!
I'll meet y'all when the train makes it to the 102 ave end downtown ... should I be there for 5:35?
It is a tad disappointing but I wonder if it's more to ease their way into the opening. The city's ridership estimates for this line are extremely low in my opinion so if the trigger for 5 minute frequency is based on a ridership milestone it seems like that will quickly be met.
Could be pretty good from a political PR perspective. "Oh we're doing 10 minute frequencies since we're not too sure how ridership goe.. Wait sorry LRT ridership is amazing and we're upping the frequencies. This LRT was needed yesterday and we can see that there is a large amount of ridership showing this to be a needed and great investment, etc"

Underpromise and overdeliver.
You laugh but I heard from a guy directly involved that so much of the track was originally laid out of spec and that’s why we saw such an immense amount of rail grinding.
Curious if you have any more information on this? Were any particular sections worse, or better than others? Specifically I'm wondering if the direct fixation track was closer to spec, and the embedded track more likely to be out of spec.
I'll meet y'all when the train makes it to the 102 ave end downtown ... should I be there for 5:35?
Darn, I'll be passing everyone haha. I'm going to be at 102 Ave for the first train, and I don't want to wait for the second one because, well, it's not the first!
It is a tad disappointing but I wonder if it's more to ease their way into the opening. The city's ridership estimates for this line are extremely low in my opinion so if the trigger for 5 minute frequency is based on a ridership milestone it seems like that will quickly be met.
That's about how they put it. "[Deputy city manager for infrastructure] Laughlin said watching how other cities, like Ottawa, have handled the opening of new urban trains led the city to the decision to start this way. For instance, knowing how long passengers take to board and disembark at the train stations won’t be completely clear until it starts running. 'This is a massive transit system that’s moving into operations, and there will be things to work out. It’s better to ensure you are providing a reliable service which is at a 10-minute frequency than to force a five-minute frequency when the demand isn’t there.'"
