The SkyriseCities staff will be offline today for a national holiday here in Canada. Our usual editorial schedule will resume tomorrow, but we've still got a fresh edition of Forum Finds for you to catch up on all the activity on the site this past week!
Beltline Bobby posted photos showing the excavation progress at the site of The Royal in Calgary.
Excavation at The Royal, image by Forum contributor Beltline Bobby
A colourful projection show at ATB Financial's Edmonton headquarters, celebrating their launch of Apple Pay, was captured by Daveography.
ATB Financial's colourful lighting display, image by Forum contributor Daveography
Photos from skahhigh show the logo of the Habs hockey team now gracing the top of Tour des Canadiens in Montreal.
Tour des Canadiens in Montreal, image by Forum contributor skahhigh
The Holiday Inn at 99 Washington Street in New York City, shot by towerpower123, is one of the most recent additions to the famous skyline.
99 Washington Street in New York City, image by Forum contributor towerpower123
In Gold Coast, Cadillac shared a photo of the completed Rhapsody Surfers North shimmering in the sun.
Rhapsody Surfers North, image by Forum contributor Cadillac
Come back next week for another recap of the Forum's latest news and views. Until then, submit your photos and get involved in the discussion!
Related Companies: | First Capital, Multiplex Construction Canada Ltd. |