Some of our greatest stories get their start on the Forum, and these threads and photo updates are a great place to dive in.

Daveography posted images of the Edmonton Tower in the Ice District, including a wide angle shot showing the glass tower's full size. 

Edmonton Tower, Forum Finds, DaveographyEdmonton Tower, image by Forum contributor Daveography

A visit by Surrealplaces to 6th and Tenth in Calgary yielded images of cladding panels continuing to make their way up the tower. 

6th and Tenth in Calgary, Forum Finds, Surrealplaces6th and Tenth in Calgary, image by Forum contributor Surrealplaces

The sleek curves of Aquilini Centre South in Vancouver were captured by mcminsen.

Aquilini Centre South in Vancouver, Forum Finds, mcminsenAquilini Centre South in Vancouver, image by Forum contributor mcminsen

The Salesforce Tower's contribution to San Francisco's network of street walls is evident in a photo posted by edwards.

Salesforce Tower in San Francisco, Forum Finds, edwardsSalesforce Tower in San Francisco, image by Forum contributor edwards

Finally, harryc uploaded an image showing the placement of Niche 905 in the Chicago cityscape.

Niche 905 in Chicago, Forum Finds, harrycNiche 905 in Chicago, image by Forum contributor harryc

Come back next week for another recap of the Forum's latest news and views. Until then, submit your photos and get involved in the discussion!

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