Some of our greatest stories get their start on the Forum, and these threads and photo updates are a great place to dive in.

News posted by Surrealplaces in the Calgary section's office space development thread alerts us to the relocation of H&R Block's corporate headquarters from the suburbs to the core. The office vacancy rates downtown are approaching 25 percent.

Photos by Daveography show the Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton looking spiffy as signs of construction are dismantled ahead of its planned 2017 opening. 

Royal Alberta Museum in Edmonton, Forum Finds, DaveographyRoyal Alberta Museum in Edmonton, image by Forum contributor Daveography

1035 W. Van Buren in Chicago is decidedly larger than it was in our last look at the site. Photos by harryc show the lower concrete levels forming as colourful protective netting covers the structure.

1035 W. Van Buren climbing in Chicago, Forum Finds, harryc1035 W. Van Buren climbing in Chicago, image by Forum contributor harryc

In New York City, towerpower123 snapped photos of the slender concrete core that marks the CitizenM Hotel project.

Core of the CitizenM Hotel development in New York, towerpower123, Forum FindsThe core of the CitizenM Hotel development in New York, image by Forum contributor towerpower123

Miami's Brickell Heights project is now sporting a colourful striped mural on its podium that was captured by PhillipPessar.

Brickell Heights sports new artwork, Miami, Forum Finds, PhillipPessarMiami's Brickell Heights sports new artwork, image by Forum contributor PhillipPessar

Come back next week for another recap of the Forum's latest news and views. Until then, submit your photos and get involved in the discussion!