In advance of next month's anticipated start of foundation caisson work, site preparation is ramping up at 1200 South Indiana in Chicago. Following the issuance of a building permit back in October, the corner property at Indiana Avenue and Roosevelt Road is now a certifiable construction playground, with heavy equipment spotted and perimeter fencing erected for the Crescent Heights development.

Future phase could bring even taller tower, Chicago Rafael Vinoly 1200 S IndianaA future phase could bring an even taller tower, image via Rafael Viñoly Architects

The South Loop project, located at the edge of Grant Park, features a "bundled tube" aesthetic by Rafael Viñoly similar in design and scale to the iconic Willis Tower. A series of structural bays, stacked at various heights, comprise the tall volume, which will host about 12,000 square feet of retail space at its base. To rise 76 storeys and 270 metres (887 feet), the 792-unit development will become the second tallest building under construction in Chicago, surpassing One Bennett Park but dwarfed by Vista Tower.

Rendering showing Grant Park bookended by 1200 South Indiana, Rafael VinolySkyline rendering showing Grant Park bookended by 1200 South Indiana and the Aon Center, image via Rafael Viñoly Architects

The skyscraper will climb from a 16-storey base — also containing a parking garage and fitness centre — crowned by a 14,670-square-foot landscaped pool deck for residents. If the market holds, a future taller tower could ascend from the vacant lot to the immediate west. Artistic illustrations show what the multi-phase project would look like upon completion, serving to bookend Grant Park with the supertall Aon Center to the north.

The site in October 2016, Chicago, 1200 South Indiana, Google Street ViewThe site in October 2016, image retrieved from Google Street View

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