On the streets since testing began back in January, lucky observers in Kitchener-Waterloo have had several months now to catch a glimpse of the city's fleet of ION 506 Flexity Freedom LRVs in operation along the 19-km route connecting each of the two municipalities. Running from Connestoga Mall south through the University of Waterloo, Wilfird Laurier University, Waterloo Public Square, Kitchener City Hall, and onwards to Fairview, the 19-stop LRT line will be a transformative project for the region, knitting SW Ontario's tech sector together like never before.  

ION 506 Flexity Freedom LRV, Fairview Station, image by Forum contributor drum11ION 506 Flexity Freedom LRV, Fairview Station, image by Forum contributor drum118

Using the same Flexity Freedom LRVs by Bombardier that will be used on the Eglinton Crosstown in Toronto, the ION network will begin operation with 14 cars, with more to come should the line become a runaway success. 

ION LRV Holding at Fairview Station, image by Forum contributor drum118ION LRV Holding at Fairview Station, image by Forum contributor drum118

While the line was due to open last year, delays and cost overruns have slowed the pace of the project, the updated start of service date now expected for December, 2018.

Waterloo Public Square Station, awaiting future passengers, image by Forum contrWaterloo Public Square Station, awaiting future passengers, image by Forum contributor drum118

Due to the delays, those familiar with the region have had a long time to settle into the reality of an active LRT line one day soon running through the middle of the two adjacent communities, the site of idle stations and tracks brightened a little as testing continues through the summer. 

SkyriseCities will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Forum page, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.