Opened on July 3, 2018, the recent debut of the new Gateway Arch Museum in St. Louis has been made all the more intriguing by the subsequent release of a four-year time-lapse video of the facility's construction. Built between 2014 and 2018 the Gateway Arch Museum was caught on film by EarthCam, the video thereby showcasing the project from start to completion.
Rehabilitated at a cost of $380 million (USD), the Gateway Arch, new parklands, and museum, have completely transformed St. Louis' downtown riverfront district, breathing new life into the 50-year-old landmark and popular tourist attraction.
Inside the museum, the history of St. Louis, and more broadly, of the American settlement of the West, is told through a series of interactive displays and exhibits, along with, of course, the history of the Arch.
A definite win for the city, the new museum, park, and rehabilitated Gateway Arch, will more than likely serve the city for another half-century.
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