Set to open this fall in Hollywood, Florida, the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, the world's first guitar-shaped hotel, will soon welcome its first wave of guests. Currently nearing completion just outside of Miami, the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino expansion project will likely become an international tourist destination for years to come. 

Hard Rock Hotel, nearing completion, image by Forum contributor PhillipPessarHard Rock Hotel, nearing completion, image by Forum contributor PhillipPessar

The $2.2 billion dollar expansion project ($1.5 billion in Hollywood, and $700 in Tampa), will see the Hollywood site transformed into a magnificent new facility, complete with a floating tropical resort-style village, and the signature, 400-ft. sculptural structure. Set to open on October 24th, reservations will begin on July 24th, the grand opening to feature a live performance by Maroon 5 (tickets on sale now). 

Hard Rock Hotel, close-up view, image by Forum contributor PhillipPessarHard Rock Hotel, close-up view, image by Forum contributor PhillipPessar

A full service entertainment complex, the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino will also feature a large concert hall, with a planned schedule of up to 100 shows per year. The venue's multi-purpose design will allow for musical acts, theatrical performances, and even professional boxing. 

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, image courtesy Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & CasinoHard Rock Hotel & Casino, image courtesy Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

As for the casino, there will be 3,000 slot machines, and 228 game tables, along with 14 restaurants. The hotel, for its part, will feature hundreds of rooms, a large swimming pool, and the aforementioned, Bora Bora-inspired collection of floating villas. 

SkyriseCities will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.