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  1. U

    Metro - 1077 N Service Rd, Mississauga. DEMOLISHED?

    I love, love, love this Metro. It's near Dixie Mall & the QEW. Everytime I whiz by on the QEW I think to myself, dang, there's a sweet 60s masterpiece. Today, I was told it's being torn down. Can anyone veryify? Any other admirers of this building...
  2. U

    What are the minimum requirements for a nanny suite?

    Putting a basement apartment into an existing house isn't easy. For a new basement apartment to be legal, it needs: This would be nearly impossible in my house, so I'm not interested in a full-on legal second unit. However, the rules are less stringent for live in caregiver (nanny)...
  3. U

    Why is it still so profitable to become a slumlord? And, is anyone here a slumlord?

    I've often wondered how houses in downtown areas can still be used as rooming houses, when their value has increased so much over the past 10 years. One would think gentrification would push the rooming houses onwards, and the gentry would restore homes to single family occupancy. Case study...
  4. U

    TCHC board votes to sell over 700 homes Given TCHC buildings tend to be clustered in in certian neighbourhoods (Downtown East, Parkdale, Leslieville/Beaches) I'd say this is especially a win for those who have, or wish to...
  5. U

    Help ID this location - 1970s Downtown East

    I really can't get this one. - Streetcar tracks - half-bay windows - industrial building to the right of the frame - house converted to commercial use at the left of frame - looks Cabbagetown-ish - masquerading as a Cabbagetown location, per the commentary on the source page...
  6. U

    Thoughts on this floorplan? (wacky inside)

    As attached, a proposed reno floorplan. Second floor of downtown rowhouse. Loft on the third floor, living room/kitchen on ground floor. Goofy? Enough storage? Nix the laundry room? Bedroom too small? Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.
  7. U

    Check out this listing (exaggeration inside)

    Truly awful listing: This isn't in Leslieville, it's 2 neighbourhoods and a Don river away in Corktown. And it isn't a ravine setting, it's a laneway underneath the Richmond/Adelaide overpass in an alley behind Bright St...
  8. U

    Queen East is the new Queen West: MacFab moving

    Corktown/Leslieville FTW. Sarah Richardson Design was above Romni Wool on Queen West, and relocated to Queen & George a few years ago. ...Dale Sonier considered these questions after...
  9. U

    Skylights in a rowhouse - recommendations/experiences?

    We have a rowhouse and are considering putting in a south facing skylight in the 3rd storey loft, where it will function as a window for a bedroom/den (the roof/cieling is on a 45 degree angle). - any recommendations for contractors? - how much to pay? - thoughts on venting skylights vs...
  10. U

    Help ID these 1960s-70s photos of Corktown/Trefann/Moss Park

    These are in the newly scanned (and poorly noted) Harold Stacey section at the Toronto Archives online. Location: ? Location: Wascana & Sumach, looking NE along Wascana Location: Sumach at Wascana looking N (note 14 Blevins Pl. in Regent Park) Location: No idea...
  11. U

    After the strike: green bin & street smells

    After the strike: green bin & street smells...really bad. After 2x with soap & water, 1x with vinegar, then febreeze, then baking soda, the green bin still smells terrible (but looks clean). How to fix?
  12. U

    Toronto Realty Blog Article - Construction Site Homes

    Do you agree with the author's logic? "I drive by this “FOR SALE” sign every single day on my way to the office, and everyday I think, “Who would ever buy that house? That thing will never sell!” Well, as of last week it...
