Meah. The more I look at it the more unimpressed I am. You can tell that this design was heavily influenced by the aboriginal design firm on the team. To me, the excessive use of wood slats is to make it resemble a tipi or longhouse to some degree. It seems bulky and heavy which I find surprising given the amount of wood used. Not enough glass for my liking. The curved shape is decent. I can’t tell, but how does it incorporate the Teatro building that will be stuck to it? Seems like we are losing a lot of green space and trees for this is an area that could use more space and greenery.

My hopes for the modernization part of the project have now been knocked down a few levels. I’m certain they will basically copy the exterior of the new building to make the old one match. If Olympic Plaza removes the fountains and skating rink I’ll burn this city to the ground. It should be a non starter and would be an absolute travesty to remove basically the only outdoor fountain/water feature in this dry ass city.

Materials and execution will make or break this project. It could turn out cool, but could also come out really cheap looking. 6/10 for now.
The addition looks OK, but a few concerns:
  • consumes more of Olympic Plaza than I would have expected
  • doesn't do much to the exterior of the existing building other than paint it white (maybe it is reclad)
  • seems to preserve the parks maintenance on the NW corner for some reason
  • doesn't seem to integrate with the existing Teatro building, leaving a narrow and probably useless corridor between the existing building and the expansion
  • does it consider the eventual Stephen Ave subway?

From the video it looks like they’re Re-cladding the street level and painting the upper portion.
I thought a lot about this project last week while in Ontario.

I happened to stay across the street from the Four Seasons Centre, and thought about whether I’d want new Arts Commons to be similar design (a transparent glass box).

I love how dramatic the nighttime lighting of the Four Seasons is (which is when most patronage will occur) and how you can see into the beautiful lobby space. However, the building is largely unremarkable during the daytime.

I think the semi-transparent nature of the proposed design of new Arts Commons will still make for a dramatic evening backdrop, while being visually interesting during the day.

That said, I think there is a further middle ground between the design of new Arts Commons and the Four Seasons that I would have preferred. Something like Tom Patterson Theatre in Stratford (somewhere I also visited while in Ontario last week) which kind of marries the transparent glass from the Four Seasons with the curved wood slats from new Arts Commons. What I also love about Tom Paterson is that they utilized soft landscaping to enhance the building. I think the new Arts Commons would benefit from some softscaping around its curved walls. Tom Paterson also benefits from being located next to the Avon River. It’s too bad more of Calgary’s cultural facilities weren’t placed closer to its rivers.

I do think that the choice to incorporate wood is a good one (although maybe some moderation would have been better). It brings some warmth, and an organic feel to the area (and park) and distinguishes it from the other buildings in the area (old/new city hall, Dominion, Jack Singer, etc.) while providing juxtaposition from the downtown office towers (Bow, Telus, etc.) in the background.

One last thought is that I wish the building had a lower profile, but I imagine this is partially due to the small footprint.
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This design is disgusting. Keep that thumb pressed on our society eh? Bloody hideous. Just say no. Ew.

These are the polished renderings. Imagine the final product.

This is the worst take I've ever seen on this site 💀

The design is good. I feel like a lot of people are overreacting, it's a 1000-seat theatre expansion. It looks great for the function it serves. Theatres aren't exactly known for having curtainwall exteriors.
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This design is disgusting. Keep that thumb pressed on our society eh?
I can't even imagine what this means and how a building can do this.
Disgusting design! Surely they could have given us some ez-trim, spandrel, some random rectangles, vinyl plank, alucobond, aluminum fins, and a big heavy stucco parapet cornice!
Yet another example of ivory tower architects failing to reflect on the local design vernacular! It doesn't even have a big surface parking lot or a pointless curvy swooping roof design! Did they even visit Calgary before proposing this?
My first impression is the new building looks great. I share DL's concern about Olympic Plaza, removing the skating rink should be a non starter. One big concern I have with the reskin of the existing building is it looks like blank walls with no openings or even windows - complete lack of permeability. Hopefully that is indeed preliminary showing massing only and will be improved in the final design

That is my concern as well. Love the new addition though.
Love the new addition as well, hopefully the final design for the plaza and incorporate a similar look, while retaining some aspects referencing the Olympics, to make it all blend together. Would love to see them keep the skating rink too.

The woods tones give off a cozy feel which will be nice in the winter, since the bare concrete and bricks that're there right now doesn't add much.
Meah. The more I look at it the more unimpressed I am. You can tell that this design was heavily influenced by the aboriginal design firm on the team. To me, the excessive use of wood slats is to make it resemble a tipi or longhouse to some degree. It seems bulky and heavy which I find surprising given the amount of wood used. Not enough glass for my liking. The curved shape is decent. I can’t tell, but how does it incorporate the Teatro building that will be stuck to it? Seems like we are losing a lot of green space and trees for this is an area that could use more space and greenery.

My hopes for the modernization part of the project have now been knocked down a few levels. I’m certain they will basically copy the exterior of the new building to make the old one match. If Olympic Plaza removes the fountains and skating rink I’ll burn this city to the ground. It should be a non starter and would be an absolute travesty to remove basically the only outdoor fountain/water feature in this dry ass city.

Materials and execution will make or break this project. It could turn out cool, but could also come out really cheap looking. 6/10 for now.
bulky and heavy? It's a theatre(s), bulky is unavoidable, there can be no windows into performing spaces. The rush to hate a design without any perspective on what the building's purpose it. Looks like a beautiful lobby with natural light, wide open to the plaza in front. The materials will be wood slats and glass, unlike BMO, there arent a lot of options to mislead. A great addition to that area!

You want MORE greenery in the plaza, but also HOW DARE they remove the skating rink and fountains (made of concrete)? You're literally speaking from both sides of your mouth...hating for the sake of hating.
I thought the plaza construction was slated for later this year? I guess we'll get another reveal soon of the design? The video seems to be just a placeholder showing it will be multiuse.
I wonder if these slats will be motorized? it would be cool if they can act as blinds
