The marketing page, makes reference to ‘A pedestrian crossing is to be completed just north of the site, enabling easier access to the Bloor UP/GO Station, and shortening the walk to 5 minutes.

is this referring to the proposed Barrie GO line station, or some other project?

When the Barrie GO line is raised up and expanded to be 3 tracks it will become a bridge north of here (that people are very angry about) and I believe a berm at this point and I think the plan is to have a tunnel through the berm that connects Paton Rd.
The marketing page, makes reference to ‘A pedestrian crossing is to be completed just north of the site, enabling easier access to the Bloor UP/GO Station, and shortening the walk to 5 minutes.
is this referring to the proposed Barrie GO line station, or some other project?

More specifically with the Davenport Diamond grade separation project. This would open up a ped/bike pathway reconnecting both sides of Paton Rd.
Updated materials now available:


This building is proposed to be built 13 stories high, not 7 stories. It will completely block out the sunlight for neighbouring building and residences. Thirteen stories is well above the maximum allowable height restriction imposed by the city. The developer’s site plans and artists renderings either through negligence or intentionally excluded neighbouring buildings impacted directly by this imposing monolithic structure.
This building is proposed to be built 13 stories high, not 7 stories. It will completely block out the sunlight for neighbouring building and residences. Thirteen stories is well above the maximum allowable height restriction imposed by the city. The developer’s site plans and artists renderings either through negligence or intentionally excluded neighbouring buildings impacted directly by this imposing monolithic structure.
they filed permits for 8 storeys.. It's 8 storeys. Stop reading too much into neighbourhood "the sky is falling" newsletters.
The official proposal is for a total height of 37.4 m. If the height of an average storey is 3 m then, as they say, ‘do the math’.
The official proposal is for a total height of 37.4 m. If the height of an average storey is 3 m then, as they say, ‘do the math’.
i see you guys are comparing this to a 13 storey residential building? but it's not, it's an 8 storey office building where podium, floors, and mechanical are built taller
My point is the overall effect the height of 37.4 m will have in the neighbourhood by blocking out the sun, as well as how the building directly across the street from the proposed site was omitted from official plans. Seems odd. If you want to build a tower well in excess of the maximum stated height restriction then yeah, minimize the perceived impact by calling it only “8 stories” high. But to most people walking by it will be much higher than 8 stories.
My point is the overall effect the height of 37.4 m will have in the neighbourhood by blocking out the sun, as well as how the building directly across the street from the proposed site was omitted from official plans. Seems odd. If you want to build a tower well in excess of the maximum stated height restriction then yeah, minimize the perceived impact by calling it only “8 stories” high. But to most people walking by it will be much higher than 8 stories.
Considering there is a 46m tall building on the other side of Bloor St, it's not exactly out of context.
i dont know? you got to look at the pros and cons, 'lose a bit of sunlight to have a hi-tech working class building in a derelict area?
My point is the overall effect the height of 37.4 m will have in the neighbourhood by blocking out the sun, as well as how the building directly across the street from the proposed site was omitted from official plans. Seems odd. If you want to build a tower well in excess of the maximum stated height restriction then yeah, minimize the perceived impact by calling it only “8 stories” high. But to most people walking by it will be much higher than 8 stories.

  1. This is not a tower.
  2. Nothing about this is odd.
  3. Neighbours do not possess an inalienable right to sunshine.
Why enshrine building height restrictions or any other building code into law if they are only to routinely be ignored and overridden? And yes, no one has an inherent right to sunshine. But everyone doesn’t have right to have a say in how their neighbourhood looks in regard to major changes. This building will have a major impact on the hood and people living there need to have input
Considering there is a 46m tall building on the other side of Bloor St, it's not exactly out of context.

The CN tower is located in the same city as well.
