I'm open to either option; but I think we do need to make sure we agree on the measurements! When I look at aerial pics and measure, I get a minimum distance of 14M between the desire line and the official path at their closest point, and upwards of 18M at the widest.

I think in that context, you probably need more than plantings, you need a fullsize, wrap-around bench on a hard seat wall, framed by dense planting.

View attachment 343155

The 14M is the red line

I think if we widen the shot out we can see the reason for the desire line


View attachment 343156

If you're wanting to get from under the table top to the main park path, the red line shows the straightest route, assuming many people would avoid walking across the sand/mulch of the playground.

That route is 38M

The official route (still not completely official because there is no paved path btw the boardwalk trail and the main trail):

View attachment 343157

This route which keeps you more on the official path is a whopping 63M


While the route below would keep you on hard surface trails, but require you to travel 67M; and if you were heading north-west would add several more metres when you doubled-back.

View attachment 343158
Haha ya fair maybe my 3M was a little dramatic. Haven't been in a while and did not seem like that much from google/photos
Views overlooking Grange Park from OCADU:

