This project is coming along nicely and at a great pace. Occupation is target for Late November into December as per the latest developer update. Drywall in in progress up to 3rd floor and insulation as well. Roof is complete and balconies are currently being finished before final external cladding.

In the case of SCOOP, a 72-unit property, developers are using pre-manufactured, wood panelling from local suppliers to substitute for concrete and steel infrastructure elements. According to Adidharma Purnomo, vice president of development at Graywood, the material makes the build quicker and more efficient, “pretty much like a pre-fab project.”
The time and cost savings are particularly important in an area where buyers are more conscious of price points, he adds. Unit prices for the first phase average $550 per sq. ft., and start in the mid-$400,000 range.
“What we are producing has equal performance compared to traditional concrete buildings, while meeting and exceeding all building code requirements. Wood also offers better thermal efficiency and is definitely something sustainable over the long term,” Purnomo says.
The demand for affordable mid-rise projects will only increase as a growing number of homebuyers seek affordable options in existing neighbourhoods. “The land in some areas in the city can’t support a highrise building,” says Purnomo. “But there are plenty of locations that are attractive for mid-rise developments that complement the look of the neighbourhood.”
