Bro, these realtors really need to hire out their marketing instead of writing this stuff themselves. This stuff is legitimately hilarious:
Nevermind the fact they're using an old render
That's pretty common in realtor ads, but I also find it really annoying.

I don't know what Rosehaven is doing here. With KiWi they seem to have hired a marketing firm or something, and did a really good job marketing it. They had copy they sent to realtors to post, and ensured they all had up to date ads.

I wonder if the slower market means less marketing spend and a slow burn sales campaign.
I love how this development slowly had 100% of all its design character progressively sucked out of it with each new render until it was just another boring glassy boxy render like everything else..

Design panel: not enough rectangles, not enough class! What are these "curves" and "angles"? What's up with this "cheerful colour"? What's up with this screen on the front? Remove it all! Make the design just as much a failure as the park it is going in front of.. we cant "cheap chic"!

"b-but, we need SOME bright colours!"

"FINE Jenkins, put some in the middle of the podium or something.."

"oh and put some deep shadowed alcoves in there so crackheads can congregate too"
Wow ...price went up another $40,000...I am guessing their sales are pretty good....
I wonder if they've factored in the fact they are going to be living RIGHT beside a fire station and the noise that will bring..

It pays to know your surroundings.. no amt of soundproofing is gonna make that worth sleeping through.
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I'm really hoping construction starts on this one this summer. That park needs some attention, this project will give it that.
