I'm assuming that as this is on the edge of Parkdale, that price point here is going to be pretty sensitive… so I am expecting a compartively inexpensive pair of buildings here, and not so much spent on architecture.
Hopefully this can spark some kind of "revitalization" for Parkdale, because I think everyone knows that this area desperately needs it. There are way too many derelict commercial/residential areas that need to be replaced to discourage squatters from hanging around various areas.
they didn't cancel the project, they changed it to a rental.

My understanding is that Urbancorp isn't having financial issues, but rather had a building that sold poorly. Given how close this development is to the poorly selling building, I can see them not wanting to build another condo here, but I also would be surprised if Urbancorp doesn't get a new building out the doors in the next little while.
'Poorly selling' is an understatement - Urbancorp hadn't sold a unit in KingKlub since December 2012.

Their sales centre hasn't been open in months. Their MOCCA redevelopment, WQW Condos, seems to have stalled. The application for 1071 King Street West (filed by First Capital but with the intention of Urbancorp being the developer) has also fallen dormant since being filed over two years ago.

What makes you think things are going well for them?
Not great architecture by any means, but still a vast improvement over the garbage that's there now. This intersection has badly needed a makeover for decades. The only loss will be Island Foods, but a place that popular shouldn't have a problem finding a new space (hopefully somewhere more central).
Towered, I agree fully. I just walked through this intersection a few weeks ago and said to myself "if only those two corners could go ..." and then this. Great news. Almost the last thing that has to happen to stitch this area better into the King/Liberty fabric is to redevelop that huge Toronto Transportation Services site at 1116 King.

I am not one to drone on about the colour issue as so many people do so on this site, but I find myself wondering if any condo buyer would like some flair and colour, would it not be someone who wants to live in Parkdale? Two grey buildings are really unfortunate for Parkdale - but they are VASTLY better than the strip mall and (already grey) McD's. I can only suspect that the added density (and it is quite a bit between the two buildings) will improve the retail offerings in the area, provide a more welcoming and vibrant entrance into Parkdale on King, and encourage people to come in and explore what is a wonderfully interesting community (as the WQW triangle developments are doing for Queen).
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As the rendering was created for the application and not for marketing purposes, there's a good chance of there being changes between now and Site Plan approval by the City. We will try to keep up on public consultations regarding the buildings, and anyone interested in making a plea for some colour would be best heard by attending one!

As the rendering was created for the application and not for marketing purposes, there's a good chance of there being changes between now and Site Plan approval by the City. We will try to keep up on public consultations regarding the buildings, and anyone interested in making a plea for some colour would be best heard by attending one!


That's encouraging. These developments definitely should add some more colour and flair to fit in a little better, because Parkdale is a funky, vibrant part of town.
The make or break point on this development will be maintaining space for the 14 or so retailers who occupy this space currently. Regardless of what how you feel about what the businesses are, they provide jobs and a variety of services for the neighbourhood.
yes, that would be great. Too many new tower podiums replace a mix of small businesses with much larger retail spaces (and rents) that few of those existing businesses can afford.
Almost the last thing that has to happen to stitch this area better into the King/Liberty fabric is to redevelop that huge Toronto Transportation Services site at 1116 King.

I think thats the plan, rumour has them leaving by 2018
Here is clarification of what we already know

1182 KING ST W
Ward 14 - Tor & E.York District

Proposal for rezoning application for two condominium towers, with a commercial ground floors, with 3 levels of underground parking, a total of 745 residential units. 1182 King St W (21 storeys) is on the north east corner site, and 1221 King St W (19 storeys) is across the street.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---

Type Number Date Submitted Status
Rezoning 15 193651 STE 14 OZ Jul 20, 2015 Under Review
What renders you looking at?, cause the MacDonalds occupies most of that south-west lot,
that render above even shows that they will most likely demolish the 2 houses west of there right to the small apt. bldg.

I was thinking that it was that building shown right on the corner back on the first page, but I realize now that mcdonalds is not actually right on the corner I just always think it is.
I don't know how long the sign has been here for, but I noticed it today:


448 residential units for the Northeast corner of the intersection, 4 of which are town homes, and 301 on the southwest corner.


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