Wherever they can get a good view of babes passing by so they can wolf-whistle at them. Duh
"I'm curious about the large indentation on the south side."

garbage chute? ha ha.

Now that is a bit of a curiousity - it did have rebars protruding but I noticed this morning that the jutting rebars have all been flattened against the wall. One can't help but wonder why they were there in the first place and why they have been so whacked - stairwell maybe?
It took long enough, but I think I've figured out the obvious.

Biking by Verve this morning, I took a good look up and, like a bolt of lightning, it struck.

The indentation on the south side of Casa would have to be for the external construction elevator(s).

Since Casa's balconies wrap completely around the building, there is nowhere for the elevators to hug the building. Like the tower crane which will be going through the middle of someone's unit, they'll have to fill in the missing concrete later.

This would have to be where it/they are going. I imagine we'll start to see this take shape in the next couple of weeks.

I think you are mistaken. Remember that the 4 floor podium is a larger foot print than the rest of the building, balconies are on floors 6 and up...the 5th floor will feature a terrace aka the excess foot print of the podium.

It took long enough, but I think I've figured out the obvious.

Biking by Verve this morning, I took a good look up and, like a bolt of lightning, it struck.

The indentation on the south side of Casa would have to be for the external construction elevator(s).

Since Casa's balconies wrap completely around the building, there is nowhere for the elevators to hug the building. Like the tower crane which will be going through the middle of someone's unit, they'll have to fill in the missing concrete later.

This would have to be where it/they are going. I imagine we'll start to see this take shape in the next couple of weeks.

It's just a guess and I certainly could be mistaken. But if you tour the site there is no other real estate available for the elevator(s) to go unless they were to start up on the 5th floor of the podium which doesn't seem logical to me. This location is the most out of the way spot and has easy access for the workers so as they do not interfere with the lobby construction or active alleyway.

If you look closely at the indentation on the south side it appears to be about 9-12 feet deep. The glass walls of the units on the south side would be about 9-12 feet back from the "footprint" of the building.

The quickest way to find out would be to ask a worker when I go by next week (unless Jaborandi beats me to it).
I never really got a good shot of the south side of the model (and I'm sure it's not the most accurate guide) but I'm pretty sure the south side of the tower is much closer to the outer walls of the podium than any of the other three sides.

Also, is it possible that the elevator(s) could simply cling to the edges of the southern balconies rather that hug the south side units?

(Where the little trees are is the south side).

Casa Condominium Progress, May 22, 2008

You can now get a pretty good sense for how tall/massive the podium will be.

^I'm guessing that the wall that's being formed in the centre picture would be for one of the sides of the pool.


^This is also a good example of how out of whack a render can be. The base in this familiar render is clearly much smaller than reality.
casaguy is absolutley correct. A chat a few minutes ago with one of the workers confirmed that is where the construction elevator will go. Once they have dismantled the construction elevator, the flattened rebars will be straightened out and the wall will be poured.
Thanks for checking jaborandi. I forgot to ask when I went by this morning... I knew you'd come through!
^No. I like showing a building"s place" in the city. It's like those guys that take photos of cars--I like showing the space/landscape the car, or building, or person, inhabits. Bonus: it shows off more of Toronto than just a few geeky, impersonal shots at a yuppie pit/yuppieCast.
