They were definitely lying to you. I'm sure they get a big volume discount on upgrades. A condo salesguy I knew told me upgrades are a huge source of income for dev. corps. That's why I bought an older condo that hasn't been touched in 20 years, and did all the renos myself. 1200 sq. feet of hardwood flooring and a brand new kitchen cost me about $8000, including tax (I bought almost everything on clearance or sale). My real estate agent tells me I can sell my unit for about $50,000 more because of the upgrades. Cresford has labour costs in addition to the materials, but I'm sure they easily clear 50-100% profit on the upgrades.
A number of people from Cresford have told me that the upgrades are extremely expensive and that the price is actually their cost and they arn't making a penny from it. That is where the dishonestly is.

In that case, Cresford is definitely being dishonest. It sounds like any purchaser who wants to upgrade would be wise to do it themselves later.
In that case, Cresford is definitely being dishonest. It sounds like any purchaser who wants to upgrade would be wise to do it themselves later.

When we had planned to reconfigure a few partition walls and add a set of upper cabinets in our kitchen at BSN, Cresford provided the costs in an Excel spreadsheet. We quickly discovered hidden but unlocked columns containing their actual estimated costs, all listed for us at 100% mark-up. The sales centre agent at the time was really surprised and embarrassed that we had discovered this.

Anyway, we've since got our money back after a material change in our unit (no 9" ceilings due to a transfer beam) allowed us a new 10 day recision period.
I thought they were going to steel after the fourth floor? Those look an awful lot like dowels sticking up in your pictures, making me think it is going to be concrete construction after all
They are still claiming it will be a "muscular steel-framed tower". I'm not sure when we will see evidence of this but I would imagine they still need to finish the fifth floor. Probably a couple more weeks before we start to see the tower rise up out of the podium. You may be seeing the dowels that will be used for the outer walls of the podium rather than the building.
Casa Condominium Progress, June 13, 2008

Not much change visually since two weeks ago. Work on the 5th floor (the amenities floor) continues. Looks like the pool may have been formed. (It would be awesome if anyone in the surrounding towers could take a couple of pics looking down on it.

$17K for an upgrade to kitchen cabinets?! Ouch!

Just as an aside, I was in the sales office a while back and the standard finishings that Cresford is offering to purchasers are outstanding. The quality is what most other projects would consider upgrades. (No laminate crap floors here thank goodness). Unless you've got tons of money to throw around there is absolutely no reason to upgrade.
It would've been cool to build an Alsop-style building here--a building on stilts or canti-levered over the church.
Like this? I do not think that this is a real proposal.
Casa Condominium Progress, June 20, 2008

Work on the tower has now begun... BUT there is no evidence of any steel.

Perplexed, I walked onto the construction site and asked a construction worker where the steel was. I was told the only steel will be in the rebar. There will be no steel beams. WTF?!?

Cresford has always been boasting: "CASA is walls of glass, stretched taut over a muscular 46 storey steel frame." So what the hell does that mean? They're boasting that they're using rebar?

What a bunch of lying weasels at Cresford! A significant selling point of this building has turned out to be bullshit!

^I never saw that claim of a steel-framed building! I always thought it referred to the glass and steel window wall they'll be using. Steel-framed high rise residential structures will never make sense in Toronto; also remember, the price of steel over the last four years has gone way up, so cost could be a factor too.
