August 18, 2021




I think the office tower is hideous, particularly the "X" shaped pieces on the south side. Hariri Pontarini is my favourite architect in the city usually, but not this.

I realize it's your opinion, but hideous? I'm little surprised anyone would think it's that bad. Maybe not a fav, but hideous is a surprise. I think when the residential towers are complete, it might compliment the office tower and maybe it will sway your opinion a bit.
Update on office leasing from Allied's Q2 2021 quarterly report (page 61):

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sorry to bring up this post but im trying to make sense of this, We (Index Exchange) have been told we are moving into the well in spring of next year.
Guess im not really sure how new office builds and tenant takeovers work, does this work?
I realize it's your opinion, but hideous? I'm little surprised anyone would think it's that bad. Maybe not a fav, but hideous is a surprise. I think when the residential towers are complete, it might compliment the office tower and maybe it will sway your opinion a bit.
But it just looks like every bland glass box in downtown.. imo. I think that part of the well is bulky and lazy, I would have liked to see some colour or something other than glass to create a visual interest for the area.
can anyone help me out and tell me where the parking entrance would be for the rental buildings on wellington street?
