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  1. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This is Robtard Ford we're dealing with. He's stubborn and pig headed. Back when Chief Blair said TPS had the crack tape should have been signal enough for Ford to resign immediately. But he has no dignity, no shame. He will do the public perp walk when it comes and will not surrender because...
  2. M

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Edward Keenan has a good article on Ford in this week's eye: That article sums it up for me. Ford's clearly a facile fool, but that's irrelevant. He's a populist conservative. Just does as the "people" say, just 'cause they say it - it...
  3. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    All politicians are all about themselves without exception at any level of governance! It's so Canadian to resent that!
  4. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    How sad. Human Rights is an ideologically-based organization. was expelled from Venezuela for breaking Venezuelan law. And was harshly criticised by 118 luminaries and academics such as Noam Chomsky and Oliver Stone here.. sources' were...
  5. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    I understand your point here. However, everyone likes to bash Chavez for being dramatic and outspoken, so what if he talks for hours on public television and insults Bush. There is little understanding about how terrible it was for the majority prior to Chavez. There were NO social programs...
  6. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    Mot, ShonTron, DarkStar, KeithZ: Do you people accept Jimmy Carter, and his Carter Centre as a fair arbiter of legal and transparent election processes? If you DO accept the Carter Center's efforts as an accurate measure of electoral validity in Venezuela (as the Carter Centre was asked to...
  7. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    Venezuelan elections are monitored by international groups, the Carter Centre disagrees with your claim of voter fraud. Also, El Universal is an escualido publication. Reporting misinformation against Chavez is their policy. This is a load of crapola. Please, truly think about it for a...
  8. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    Hipster certainly did not. No one posting so far on this thread has given me a concrete example of Chavez's supposed misuses of power. Funny how no one cares when George W. Bush misuses his power, they only raise a stink when a Latin American leftist leader invests in his own country and Canada...
  9. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    Found some info on Venezuelan recycling programs and environmental issues: cell phone recycling program in Vlza: There's also a quote by Marc...
  10. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    They should, of course, institute recycling programs, hopefully that will come soon. Look how long it;s taken Canada and we're not even as efficient as we could be, it varies from city to city here, Ottawa does nothing, toronto is more forward thinking with respect to recycling programs. But...
  11. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    If by 'fooling the poor' you mean instituting access to healthcare in the barrios and beyond, literacy programs, communal hydroponic and community gardens, then so be it. I call it social programs which benefit many many previously ignored, people. Please give an example your so-called...
  12. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

  13. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    yeah that
  14. M

    Casaguy goes to Caracas

    On an internet forum quoting the rules of logic is exactly like a Board of Directors referencing Robert Rules, when the only time a Board uses Roberts Rules is when it's completely dysfuntional! You were using Pinochet's name and banking on many people's ignorance of what he did, using...
