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Drove through the site today on my way intopt he hinterlands of Etobicoke.

They were paving the south side of the deck, and pouring cement on that last section of decking on the north side as Tim's photos showed previously.

There also seems to be a lot of tidying up work going on in preparation for the final touches to both approaches to the rebuilt span. Last Thursday they were unloading tree's on the north side for landscaping efforts. There is not doubt that there is much work to be done around the periphery of the project - adding sections to the noise walls, certain sections of concrete crash barriers, lighting etc, but there is no doubt they are on the home stretch.

Opening sometime in November?
I'm not happy with the ugly, standard pedestrian overpass. They had the opportunity to send pedestrians under the bridge to cross the QEW, giving them a view of the river along the way, with a connection to the underslung pedestrian walkway. It wouldn't've have added much distance as the overpass needs those long ramps anyway, which equate to as much walking as the diversion to the bridge would.

It's like every time they have an opportunity to do something that's both creative and useful, they refuse. Infrastructure either has to be cookie-cutter old-school boring, or some completely off-the-wall "artistic" but totally impractical vision.
I shot this project last weekend and will post photos soon.
October 20
South side of the bridge:






North side. This is not an area I normally photograph from such a low altitude because of the high voltage power lines.



Looking east towards Pedestrian overpass:


West transition

Thanks!! So no pedestrian bridge yet on the north side.

This project is looking increasingly close to completion though.
Thank you for the photos!

Does anyone know when the project started? All I can see is an RFP back from 2019 but I remember even before 2010 they were carving out space for what I assume was the current bridge.

Thank you for the photos!

Does anyone know when the project started? All I can see is an RFP back from 2019 but I remember even before 2010 they were carving out space for what I assume was the current bridge.

View attachment 607936
It started in May of 2021. If you go back to probably page 4 or 5 of this thread you'll see some of my aerial shots. The cutout in your streetview photo was created when a previous round of bridgework was done.
November 17th update





Thanks for the update. Almost comical how much extra space there is on the rehabilitated bridge with the new line painting.

This looks like they are preparing to transfer the eastbound lanes back to the old structure soon.
Probably already asked but forgot the answer.

Is this bridge work is being done to widen the highway and accomodate future HOV lane extension from Trafalgar Rd.?
Probably already asked but forgot the answer.

Is this bridge work is being done to widen the highway and accomodate future HOV lane extension from Trafalgar Rd.?
No additional lanes other than an eastbound auxiliary lane between Mississauga Road and Hurontario are being added by the project itself, but it is designed to accommodate a future HOV lane extension.
This morning, west of the bridge, actually west of Mississauga Road, paving crews were hard at work completing the final work around the newly completed center median crash barrier. The western approaches to the bridge appear to be ready very shortly for a major lane alignment to make use of the newly reconstructed bridge, and allow for completion of the balance of the center median barriers and lighting.

However, the eastern side approaches from the bridge seem far from complete. Would it have to be absolutely complete to allow for three or four lanes of traffic? Most likely no, but there is much paving to be done, it appears as if service work is still going on, there appears to be ongoing work continuing on the Noise barrier and related supports.

I would think we are into December before the lane shift takes place and the project would move into the final stages of center median completion on the eastern side of the bridges.

If you do drive past, have a look at the landscaping. I am not sure i have seen a highway project that features the amount of tree planting that we see here. If the success rate over the next two or three growing season is high, then you will have a series of small woodlots in short order.
I had hoped to photograph this project this morning but the winds were just too strong. I did notice that jersey barriers have been placed at each end of the bridge itself blocking construction traffic from traversing the bridge. The street lights have been installed and the bridge itself looks fully complete. The pedestrian bridge has had the railings installed and all the forming removed. The eastern side lanes still have a lot of repaving work and guardrail replacement necessary. I did notice an astonishing number of hay bales that had been recently delivered. Perhaps they'll be doing sleigh races with some Clydesdale horses across the bridge for the holidays???

Here's to hoping I'll have better luck weather wise next weekend.
