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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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There's already so few road crossings over Mill Creek, this is overkill.

76Ave is a neighbourhood road that is not classified as a major or collector road in new city plans.

If vehicle access across the ravine along 76Ave was closed, people in King Edward and Avonmore communites would notice less traffic in their neighbourhoods. Most people using 76Ave from 75st are going to these 2 communities and nothing would change in that regard.

And people in Ritchie would also have less vehicle traffic. Most people using 76Ave from 99st are going to Ritchie and Hazeldean and nothing would change for them in that regard.

Mill Creek Ravine is one of the city's most important and valuable green spaces and this could enhance/protect it even more.

I love how a city can transform a massive multi-lane roadway back to a green space like the pics below and vehicle traffic survived!


I would put my money on the proposal to eliminate vehicle access across the ravine to not go ahead, but I do not believe it would be a traffic problem if it did - it's definitely not one that my friend who owns/lives in a home along 76Ave is concerned about.
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When/If the Millcreek Ravine crossing on 76 Ave is in need of replacement it should either be converted to a proper bridge that opens up the ravine or the crossing should be removed entirely if the funding does not exist to do a proper replacement. In either case the preservation and restoration of Millcreek Ravine should be paramount.
When/If the Millcreek Ravine crossing on 76 Ave is in need of replacement it should either be converted to a proper bridge that opens up the ravine or the crossing should be removed entirely if the funding does not exist to do a proper replacement. In either case the preservation and restoration of Millcreek Ravine should be paramount.
That is actually what's happening. 🤫
The 76 ave road crossing is being converted to a bridge to open up the creek underneath, the old pedestrian trestle which is EOL is being replaced with a new wood trestle to match and the creek bed/banks are being restored and reinforced.
It should be a huge improvement.
Hobart, AUS has a good example of the right scale, cross-section, feel, look etc. of how a car-free street can work. This is about 1/2 the width of Whyte or 102Avenue and 1/3 the width of 104st for comparison and is one of the main reasons it would be very hard to do anything similar here. Certainly 104st has the best opportunity, IFFFF there was sufficient density, demand and foot traffic to support it, but the reality is none of those are possible at the moment.
