Exactly how I feel about it. There are a lot of promises made, but not kept. It's easy to say you're going to do something, but when you've been sitting on government for 8 years and blame the previous government for shortfalls while doing almost nothing to fix those shortfalls, it starts to feel like the boy who cried wolf.
This is why the ultimate test is, has the funding been released. The Wynne government launched GO RER, with a business case that documented the cash flow over the coming decade (ie 2015-2025j. It became abundantly clear that the money did not actually flow... and in fact when one looks back at the provincial budgets year over year, the money simply wasn't there (at least not without more borrowing, at a time when Ontario's credit rating might have been affected). Wynne's party just maintained the pretense that it was moving along.
Ford's government was the one that actually started releasing funds, to their credit. However over time the amounts have gotten fuzzy, and it's not clear how much of GO Expansion has been funded and how much remains to be released. As well, there is no real data on how coats have matched that envelope. If specific tasks have run over budget, it's to be expected that later tasks will be cancelled or deferred..... Ontario is not simply going to top up the envelope every time ML has an "oops".
Add to that ML's constant fickle rethinking of its own plans, and loss of interest in tasks that last year were considered "mission critical". Scope creep (or erosion) and their internal poor performance means they may not be held to finishing what they started.
100%. There are a lot of promises made or a lot of pressers released... It feels as though we have a government without a spine sometimes. Some communication from ML or the government is welcome, but when we're waiting months with no info, I can't help but go back to the pre-election empty promises thought.
I think it's more than backbone. Ford has released all sorts of vanity programs and tax relief that arguably are very low priority compared to building transit. It's quite likely that these programs were funded by stealing from the GO Expansion envelope. I suspect ML has quietly had budgets cut or funding withheld, even where they want to get on with things.
And, there is probably a lot of fatigue over the political value of projects that wont have political payback for a decade. My biggest fear is that politicians simply tire of transit projects (which pose political risks, since government really can't control much of the execution of these) and start prioritising other things. #tunnels
100% agreed. If we actually had MPP's throwing support behind Ford, would it cause him to actually do something, or would it cause him to use that as an empty promise to get elected, and then shelve it?
There are plenty of seats up for grab along our transit corridors. The government must feel that these are so secure, or so unattainable, that completing transit in those ridings is not mission critical. Even if current MPPs don't care, there are riding associations and potential next-election candidates in those ridings, who are interested in what the platform ought to be.
At the end of the day, promising nice things and then letting those promises slide, sure seems to work, for every party.
- Paul