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I don't like Trump and think he's a serious threat to a bunch of things, but in 2026 the Democrats will retake the House and Senate, and in 2028 (well, January 2029) a Democrat will become president.
I don't want to belabour this point or beat this drum too much but I really want to stress that the United States in 2028 is going to be a very different place from the United States of 2025, or 2020, or 2016. I think it's naive to assume that they're going to have an election at all at that time and I think it's naive to assume there's going to be any sort of peaceful transition of power. A lot has happened in only the single week of this current presidency and there's still four years to go between now and then. I think people need to seriously reconsider and alter their expectations of what democracy in the United States looks like because I don't believe whatsoever that it still exists in the same way that it has for the last two hundred years.

There's no going back to the way things were before and there's going to be no fixing whatever damage occurs between now and then. Sleepwalking and assuming things will fix themselves in 2028 is only asking to be rudely awakened by the reality that the US today is nearing dictatorship territory. The people who seek to remove the democratic systems of the US have the keys now.
I don't think it is prudent for Canada to just hunker down and wait for Trumpism to blow over. We have to prepare for the possibility that, even if/when the Democrats return to power, they mostly continue with the protectionism and mercantilism of Trump. If the goal of the tariffs is to fund the ongoing income tax cuts, it won't be so simple for the Democrats to unwind without raising those taxes once again.
Totally agree that we should be looking at things like ports and pipelines that will reduce our reliance on the US. But that's not our immediate response to these tariff threats.
I'd like to know what the true trade deficit is, especially when we include the profits generated by US-owned subsidiaries operating within Canada. The likes of Coca-Cola Canada, Kraft Heinz Canada, Caterpillar Canada, Ford Motor Company of Canada and ExxonMobil Canada make things here by Canadians for Canadians, but these are not publicly traded companies in Canada, and all profits are repatriated to their US shareholders. And then there's our financial and insurance services being US-owned, including AIG Canada, and State Farm Canada. Every penny paid in premiums not paid out in claims goes to their US shareholders. When you add all of the US-owned and destined profits being generated in Canada in addition to trade in physical goods and materials, I think that $250B trade deficit is more likely a wash. Take away hydrocarbon exports and Canada is definitely on the losing end.

And all the suppliers that provide products to Coca-Cola Canada, Kraft Heinz Canada, Caterpillar Canada, Ford.. etc are mostly American owned. Those industrial food crates that every single grocery store uses to ship food, are owned by an American companies.
I don't want to belabour this point or beat this drum too much but I really want to stress that the United States in 2028 is going to be a very different place from the United States of 2025, or 2020, or 2016. I think it's naive to assume that they're going to have an election at all at that time and I think it's naive to assume there's going to be any sort of peaceful transition of power. A lot has happened in only the single week of this current presidency and there's still four years to go between now and then. I think people need to seriously reconsider and alter their expectations of what democracy in the United States looks like because I don't believe whatsoever that it still exists in the same way that it has for the last two hundred years.

There's no going back to the way things were before and there's going to be no fixing whatever damage occurs between now and then. Sleepwalking and assuming things will fix themselves in 2028 is only asking to be rudely awakened by the reality that the US today is nearing dictatorship territory. The people who seek to remove the democratic systems of the US have the keys now.
If there is another free election in the US, perhaps the electorate will return chastened with the brush with oligarchy. When looking at the breakdown numbers for voting in the last election, you see that more people in the US didn't vote at all than voted for DJT, and he got less than 1% more votes than Kamala. I think this is grounds for some hope at least. I think they need to turn MAGA on it's head.
The test will be the Congressional elections, next year in Nov 2026, where all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the U.S. Senate will be contested. If the GOP loses either house of Congress he’ll spend the final two years as the ultimate lame duck president.
I'm surprised that no separate forum is devoted to Trump's impending 25% tariffs on Canada, which he has pledged to implement in less than 24 hours. This is existential for Canada. If indeed he goes through with this on Saturday all of us will have our lives negatively impacted. There has never been a threat to Canada like this, and it is coming from our supposed "friend and ally". China and Russia have never threatened economic war or threatened our sovereignty. Trump complains that "we pay to defend Canada" It turns out the only country that we needed to be defended against was the United States.

I have sent about half a dozen emails to the PM and Premier Ford and other Premiers and Canadian "leaders" suggesting a strategy to combat Trump's threats, but nothing has been implemented. Ford has wasted millions on advertising on US TV. His warm and fuzzy "we are right by your side" ads won't influence any Americans and certainly not Trump. He probably laughs when he sees the ads played on Fox News every five minutes. Trudeau's pushback has been beyond pathetic if you can call it a pushback. How was it helpful for Trudeau to accuse Americans of racism for not electing Kamala? Probably the dumbest and most damaging statement ever made by a Canadian PM. Alberta's premier has responded by flying down to Mar-A-Lago to beg Trump not to tariff Alberta Oil as if Trump would be so stupid to tariff oil. Trump is stupid in many ways, but he is not that stupid.

Trump is not going to tariff our oil or other things America needs from Canada like Potash. 60% of US oil imports come from Canada 4.7 million barrels a day almost 10X what they import from Saudi Arabia (7%). Not only does 60% of US oil imports come from Canada they also buy it at below market price, and it is of a heavy crude that certain US refineries need. The only other major sources of this grade of crude are Venezuela and Russia. Would America rather buy from those countries? Would it even be possible? Another key commodity that the US buys from Canada is potash (fertilizer). US farmers rely on Canada for 87% of their potash needs. The only other major sources of potash are Russia and Belarus. What will happen to food prices in the US if the price for Potash goes up 25%? If Trump exempts potash and oil from 25% tariffs Canada MUST impose a 25% EXPORT TARIFF on these vital products the US needs. That is the only way that we can make Americans feel PAIN.

How did we even get here? Canada is the biggest buyer of "Made in the USA" products. We buy more American products than China, Japan, the UK, and France put together! Is this any way to treat your best customer? Yes, we currently have a ~$50 billion
trade surplus with the US but that is on two-way trade of $1.3 TRILLION. Take out the $188 billion in cheap below market level price oil and the United States has a MASSIVE trade SURPLUS with Canada. Further, take out Potash and other vital minerals and the SURPLUS grows even larger. The United States should only wish they had the same trade relationship with other countries.

Have you heard any of our "fearless leaders" making any of these cogent arguments against Trump's threats and insults? The response has been bungling and ineffective and now we are just less than 24 hours from seeing our economy decimated.

In my last email to our "fearless" leaders, I begged Trudeau to announce that Canada would put thousands of Soldiers on the US border. CALL TRUMP'S BLUFF! If the border is a big irritant for Trump, then fortify the border with thousands of troops. Bring ALL our troops home from Europe and other NATO outposts. Is NATO even relevant after its biggest member has threatened our sovereignty and economy? If ever there was a time for Canada's military to save Canada the time is NOW!

Canada needs to wake up and start acting like a serious country. The United States is not our "best friend and ally". Even when Trump is gone future presidents will try to poach the few manufacturing jobs we have left. The US can't poach jobs from China or Mexico, so Canada is the designated target. Notice Trump hasn't threatened China with 25% tariffs? He wouldn't dare! If Canada is to survive, we need to find new trading partners FAST and the only solution that I see is that Canada joins BRICS. The only other option is to become the "51st State" and what does that mean? Do you think that Trump would grant Canada two Senators and a representative number of congressmen (at least 50 based on California's 51) I doubt that is what Trump has in mind. He wants Canada to become like Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands. An American territory with no Senators and just one NON-VOTING congressman and of course, this is his plan for Greenland. Can you imagine two new Senators from Greenland a country that currently has a socialist government?
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If Trump exempts potash and oil from 25% tariffs Canada MUST impose a 25% EXPORT TARIFF on these vital products the US needs. That is the only way that we can make Americans feel PAIN.
That was a lot of soapboxing when your call to action need only be the above. Danielle Smith will decry that Trudeau Jr. is finishing the job of Sr., but I’m all for it. Trump is trying to divide and conquer.
That was a lot of soapboxing when your call to action need only be the above. Danielle Smith will decry that Trudeau Jr. is finishing the job of Sr., but I’m all for it. Trump is trying to divide and conquer.

I'd rather place a 100% export tariff on all goods exported to the US, especially oil.

Despite Trumps bluster, they need our oil.

If we placed a significant export tariff on our oil, fuel prices would skyrocket in the US. That in turn would lead to higher inflation and overall costs on goods.

Yes Alberta will cry and complain but who cares. We need to do what is in the national interest, not the interest of Alberta.

To quote Mr Spock, "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few".

Hit the US where it hurts and watch how fast things change.
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I'd rather place a 100% export tariff on all goods exported to the US, especially oil.

Despite Trumps bluster, they need our oil.

If we placed a significant export tariff on our oil, fuel prices would skyrocket in the US. That in turn would lead to higher inflation and overall costs on goods.

Yes Alberta will cry and complain but who cares. We need to do what is in the national interest, not the interest of Alberta.

To quote Mr Spock, "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few".

Hit the US where it hurts and watch how fast things change.
Execution would be troublesome. For the most part, Alberta's oil is extracted and exported by US-based firms. The pipelines from Canada to the US are not controlled by Ottawa. We cannot just seize US private property in Canada and switch off the oil.
Execution would be troublesome. For the most part, Alberta's oil is extracted and exported by US-based firms. The pipelines from Canada to the US are not controlled by Ottawa. We cannot just seize US private property in Canada and switch off the oil.

Technically no but there is precedence..

Cuba, Venezuela, etc all did it. Trump even threatened to a few times. Hell even we had Petro-Canada at one point.
I'm surprised that no separate forum is devoted to Trump's impending 25% tariffs on Canada, which he has pledged to implement in less than 24 hours. This is existential for Canada. If indeed he goes through with this on Saturday all of us will have our lives negatively impacted. There has never been a threat to Canada like this, and it is coming from our supposed "friend and ally". China and Russia have never threatened economic war or threatened our sovereignty. Trump complains that "we pay to defend Canada" It turns out the only country that we needed to be defended against was the United States.

I have sent about half a dozen emails to the PM and Premier Ford and other Premiers and Canadian "leaders" suggesting a strategy to combat Trump's threats, but nothing has been implemented. Ford has wasted millions on advertising on US TV. His warm and fuzzy "we are right by your side" ads won't influence any Americans and certainly not Trump. He probably laughs when he sees the ads played on Fox News every five minutes. Trudeau's pushback has been beyond pathetic if you can call it a pushback. How was it helpful for Trudeau to accuse Americans of racism for not electing Kamala? Probably the dumbest and most damaging statement ever made by a Canadian PM. Alberta's premier has responded by flying down to Mar-A-Lago to beg Trump not to tariff Alberta Oil as if Trump would be so stupid to tariff oil. Trump is stupid in many ways, but he is not that stupid.

Trump is not going to tariff our oil or other things America needs from Canada like Potash. 60% of US oil imports come from Canada 4.7 million barrels a day almost 10X what they import from Saudi Arabia (7%). Not only does 60% of US oil imports come from Canada they also buy it at below market price, and it is of a heavy crude that certain US refineries need. The only other major sources of this grade of crude are Venezuela and Russia. Would America rather buy from those countries? Would it even be possible? Another key commodity that the US buys from Canada is potash (fertilizer). US farmers rely on Canada for 87% of their potash needs. The only other major sources of potash are Russia and Belarus. What will happen to food prices in the US if the price for Potash goes up 25%? If Trump exempts potash and oil from 25% tariffs Canada MUST impose a 25% EXPORT TARIFF on these vital products the US needs. That is the only way that we can make Americans feel PAIN.

How did we even get here? Canada is the biggest buyer of "Made in the USA" products. We buy more American products than China, Japan, the UK, and France put together! Is this any way to treat your best customer? Yes, we currently have a ~$50 billion
trade surplus with the US but that is on two-way trade of $1.3 TRILLION. Take out the $188 billion in cheap below market level price oil and the United States has a MASSIVE trade SURPLUS with Canada. Further, take out Potash and other vital minerals and the SURPLUS grows even larger. The United States should only wish they had the same trade relationship with other countries.

Have you heard any of our "fearless leaders" making any of these cogent arguments against Trump's threats and insults? The response has been bungling and ineffective and now we are just less than 24 hours from seeing our economy decimated.

In my last email to our "fearless" leaders, I begged Trudeau to announce that Canada would put thousands of Soldiers on the US border. CALL TRUMP'S BLUFF! If the border is a big irritant for Trump, then fortify the border with thousands of troops. Bring ALL our troops home from Europe and other NATO outposts. Is NATO even relevant after its biggest member has threatened our sovereignty and economy? If ever there was a time for Canada's military to save Canada the time is NOW!

Canada needs to wake up and start acting like a serious country. The United States is not our "best friend and ally". Even when Trump is gone future presidents will try to poach the few manufacturing jobs we have left. The US can't poach jobs from China or Mexico, so Canada is the designated target. Notice Trump hasn't threatened China with 25% tariffs? He wouldn't dare! If Canada is to survive, we need to find new trading partners FAST and the only solution that I see is that Canada joins BRICS. The only other option is to become the "51st State" and what does that mean? Do you think that Trump would grant Canada two Senators and a representative number of congressmen (at least 50 based on California's 51) I doubt that is what Trump has in mind. He wants Canada to become like Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands. An American territory with no Senators and just one NON-VOTING congressman and of course, this is his plan for Greenland. Can you imagine two new Senators from Greenland a country that currently has a socialist government?
Maybe they don't like any of your ideas.
Execution would be troublesome. For the most part, Alberta's oil is extracted and exported by US-based firms. The pipelines from Canada to the US are not controlled by Ottawa. We cannot just seize US private property in Canada and switch off the oil.
Well, Trump was apparently able to just turn on water in California!
